An immature man will find it difficult to take responsibility for his actions, thus, deciding to just abandon them and leave things on air. That can play a bit with your morals, self-esteem, and self-perception. High school ended and I knew it was best to cut all the ties just like that to eas the seperation pain. I said thanks. Why cant men just be consistent. Is there a message fit for the occasion that will make him realize hes made a mistake? Might as well make smores. He replied, how do you know??? Then said gnight, then poof gone out of thin air. Im sorry youre hurting, but realise that hes just not that into you to take care of youre emotions and perspective. I met this guy on tinder 6 months ago. Most people dont like when you do that, especially a guy who is used to you giving him attention as if he is a movie star. Hed tell me how he cant believe that this is happening, he would tell me its unreal, he would tell me how beautiful i am, he even told me how much I remind him of his mother. I feel as if I no longer mean anything to him and this is very hurtful and heartbreaking. And most of the time, they will reason that the girl is probably on the same page so there is no need to reach out. What if something bad happens and I will just sit alone and depressed drinking myself to sleep? I have to say he was pretty eager from the first date. You wonder why would someone deliberately send mixed signals . Thats the rub and why its so painful and unfortunate. He broke up with me the weekend before one nursing class ended. If he met someone new that was competition for you, since he wasnt officially your boyfriend chances are he would try to hang out with you also- at least for a while, instead of suddenly going cold. Went on 3 dates with a guywe got on really well, I could tell he likes me (hes been checking me out for a long time) so the last date he spent hours just kissing my hands and face, holding me and telling me how much he likes me; poof! just like that. I know towards the end of winter he was having a hard time financially and it really bothered him as far as having the means to take me out and buy me things, which I never once asked for anything and I never got upset if we never went out, I was happy just having dinner at my place or mine and watching movies. They dont even know my emmail address or middle name and are talking about marriage. The difficulty very often in these cases (which compounds the process) is that most women (myself included at one time) automatically assume hes vanished because he isnt or has lost interested, so react accordingly, which often only serves in turn to strengthen his original point of view. No one, My boyfriend and I were together for three years, and then started having to do the long distance thing our freshman year of college. Unfortunately theres also a lot of egocentric losers out there too. STEP #1 FOR WHEN A VANISHER COMES BACK: Get yourself in the right mindset before you respond. He cut me off and ghosted out totally after that. Im gonna go back to my country in 2 months while he decided to stay. Haha. He invited me to meet him up at the gym, he was very flirty, very touchy, in between sets he would come talk to me. With for a long time but turns out she was cheating on him and even before that he was with her on and off and then completely let go. Will she even call and ask how Im doing, ask if I need anything? Not only did henot have decency to ccancelled, this man dropped off the face of the Earth AND made it so that I couldnt contact him, all without A SINGLE WORD. We chatted for 30 mins or so. I know he is busy, but too busy to call me for 5 minutes. Update: before he left he send message that he was sorry that we didnt had chance to spend more time before his vacation. He told me I made him smile daily and that he couldnt believe he can fall anymore in love everyone he goes to bed. Always told me how much he loved me. I had the signs beforehand that maybe he has little emotional intelligence. Funny you should say that, because I am doing sociology, and often think how this would make for great research! May I ask what has transpired over the past month? It will be mind-blowing. I met a guy on an online dating website (needless to say, profile is now closed). He knew he could say good by at any time in in the past 6 mo the that we were heading this long distance thing. Are yall friends? ha! and yes, it does put a dent on ones self esteem. When I left we are still on speaking terms, because I was very calm and spoke to him with respect like he should of done me. This time, he came to see me right before Christmas and we were like we always are when were together, very passionate and very into each other. Ill listen to the excuse *ahem, reason* and see if it warrants a second chance. Its obvious what this kind of guy would choose. So I know he is alright. He also wanted to know any guy that tried to contact me. But you are right. Always go with your gut! I really like this guy and it would be really disappointed if I dont hear from him :(. Do you rant to him about his immature behavior or do you simply give him some more time and wait for him to come back to you? We had little disagreements but they never left us angry. I was fine with that, I was in the same boat. He said he is use to women walking away when he gets like this so maybe he is expecting the same from me, I dont know. He's just not that into you. Ive done this myself when at that introduction stage. I am so sorry. Its been a week and I keep replaying the whole date. As I have mentioned before, after he sent the email asking for a break, I waited ovr week to reply. Since that day, we started having something else (but never talked about it) and we ended up hooking at every single party and social event (we even went together to a wedding and a friends prom). and i said tto him multiple times ok youve lost interest which he denied. Me; Yeah sure Mr Fadeout. I never ended up hearing from him again. Do you accuse him of playing with your feelings straight away or do you act like everythings okay, even though deep down youre burning with rage? I still do miss him though Thankyou for your tips..wink, Its. Dating should be for the intent to marry and settle down. He has never gone this long ever before without contacting me. Honestly my last situation i met a guy and were dating for like 4 months. He doesnt reply. I did reach out and asked for clarification and he didnt respond. There will be nothing to wonder about. We started communicating once again. he would always say stuff like yeah we should go do something for real but after 4 months we still did not do anything till I aventually orgenised something . What the hell is so damn important that you have to be joined to your phone? The next day he texts me Im sorry for everything. Idk what to do now though. Cant eat right, sleep or concentrate on anything. I know Ive been used just like the past 3 guys I met, all went well, all had ex issues they couldnt get over, then bam! No way to tell what happened other than he simply sucks. Just as things are progressing nicely, it all stops and he's gone. He told me of a girl he was once seeing (a few times) who wanted to leave her blow dryer at his place. Off at his hotel and said, he is tired and we should meet up for dinner and i said, Ill come pick him up. If he values his self respect hes not going to wait around for you and worry about what will be, if he wants to remain an attractive prospect to you he will disappear with complete absence of drama until you show you care enough. I finally got up the nerve to tell him I love him at around the 6 month markI was sort of expecting a I love you too back because through his actions it felt like he did. I now come with a warning label if you want to date me. You need to show him that you wont be stuck in one place, waiting for him to make a move. He was very hurt by his ex wife and I think he has commitment issues. I remember him saying he would never string me along he didnt lie. The next day we met up I think if more people realized that LOVE absolutely-must-come-first before ANY ideas about marriage or the rest of your life, people would be a lot happier. For the first time in 4 mos he didnt reply back quickly and it was because his mom was sick. I wish there was a LOVE button for this!!! How do I shake this feeling of guilt and incompetence? I dont know if he wants me to leave him alone or what? He introduced me to his companions who also happened to be his work colleagues. Great For: When you need to show him that you're in high demand. Theyre cowards. I had one bad day of anger text messages, one email of peace making (not begging or trying to get back together) but I am done with contact now. I met a guy on line he asked for my number and frim there we talked and texted regularly for 5/6 months. But texting is poison. And what I could do is to choose to wait for him to recover or to move on to find another man. So not together for about 3 years when we started dating. It takes 2 seconds to respond someone and he didnt do that for you. I didnt beg, bt offered him space and hoped we would find our way back to each other. I dont know! Ummm, nice. Relationships unfold organically, at the right time, and not after a series of pointless dates with strangers. We shouldnt pack all men in the same bag, its unfair and untrue. I am glad to see all theses responses even though its painful for everyone. He seems to be getting flirty and friendly with some girl. I feel you. I was going to give him the holidays to get through whatever it might be that he was dealing with. Have gotten told that more times, then any woman should hear. He treats you poorly time and time again. You say you were dating for 3 months, yet somehow the question of exclusive never came up before? But really because i became psycho bitch and a sent a few more texts regardless contact was made- and it turns out he needed space then back to silence. It does hurt and it is so hard to make ourselves understand that it is something out of our control. He seemed so head over heels for me and I dont know what happened. I dont think hes that type of guy and I know that would be a terrible lie to tell someone but I cant help but wonder. Move forward alone girls and have a stress free life. Throw it away, set it on fire, mail it back to him if you really want to make sure he gets it, but dont contact him. Then a few weeks later he expressed that he was moving to his parents 3 hours away to get his life together.I accepted that because I understand when you fall you need help and that was his goal getting his life back on track. I saw his dating profile on Bumble last Sun. I am SO confused!!!! Many of us would LOVE toknow why. So I was chatting with this guy on fb for a few weeks. Therefore time-wasters do not deserve our time! at the end, I am away from heartache. When I say ignore him, I mean ignore him completely. Because NOBODY tells them off! And you are probably inadvertently,,,without realizing itchoosing a certain type of guy. I dont think you did anything wrong by texting him asking WHEN the date was going to happen. We chatted for a month, he would phone me and we would talk for hours non-stopit was going great! We were friends first for 3 months, nothing romantic just talking on the phone, movies and dinner when he came to town- getting to know each other. There are so many other guys out there who will gladly give us their time those are the ones we need to value. Ashley, its obvious you came on here to vent and you only wanted to hear what you wanted to hear. He professed his love to me daily. We had a lovely farewell, I had lots of calls from him at the airport and then one or two when he arrived with them there is a time difference. We shall wait together, ok? The next day (V-day) he wouldnt answer my calls or texts but I noticed her posted a snap chat, so thats when it hit me he was straight up ignoring me. Im going through a similar situation and as much as it sucks you have to move on. Hard thing is i care about him a great deal, But my emotions with this situation are all over the place. Because I assure you that your man is out there looking for you right now. He even prepared his work lunches at mine on Sunday and stuck them in the freezer for this week in case he stayed over during the week. All your friends are tired of you talking about them. I went out to visit him twice and he made so much effort, planning stuff for us to do, taking me out, remembering things I said I liked and surprising me. You probably got the wrong person. He would be like, No, I have the right number, but you dont remember me I said, Well, thats what happens to guys who do disappearing acts and think the women you disappeared on would stick around waiting for you.. I would bring it up in conversation and he would tell me that he loved me and promise it would be better. Before then, we were fine i think. Almost a week went by, and still nothing. Hell realize that he lost a girl who actually wanted to be his, one who would have fought for him and defended him in front of everyone. Men owe women nothing. And thats the problem. Now I am dumbfounded! This gap will decide either he is interested in you or taking you for granted. Things were back to normal it felt. I am mirroring his action. If a guy wants to be with you, he will show you he wants to be with you. He came up put his hand on my back and said hey stranger. To go from 7 years of being in each others lives in some way to nothing so abruptly is so hard and I really want to contact him again but I do not want to lose my dignity. By confronting him I let him know that I will be respected and treated like a lady, and by him playing the disappearing act makes him less of a men. I was inconsolable because if dating me was too consuming with work, why would he be looking for something new? We talked daily before that. But Im sorry If he was the right guy for youwell he would be with you! No, hes fine. I ended up really hitting it off with this guy. Penpals can definitely be fun! Im hurting everyday though, But im realizing this situation aint getting any better. So what if we shared the best sex of our lives? Then I do a freak out text saying I guess its over and basically saying it was so disappointing and throw out all my issues I have had with guys and wish he could have just done me a solid to talk to me and not do this fade out act. Im not needy nor do Iread into thingm and this felt 100% mutual (best feeling). The next week everything was the same the same amount of talking and interest. Ok, so as Im salsaing with this guy ( who btw I was not interested in, strictly dancing) the bartender put a piece of paper into my hand and asked if I remembered his name- of course I did. Now that I know he is just a jerk, I am just sorry for the girl he is with. My FREE guide explains Don't Miss Out! The fact we used to talk all the time has made this cutting off so hard. One day I finally went to see him and call him on his shit. In fact he told me that twice in about a months time. He basically stood me up and did not call or text nothing. ? Why did he string you along? Anybody know guys that do that?? What a f*cking shame!! Ive learned not to invest ANY of my heart, in any man, for any reason, anymore. Its all made up. So fine I left him alone, he put me on ignore. after few months, that i spent whole weekdays texting and weekends on skype, i found very cheap flight tickets so i suggested the visit. I was bummed.. but hey, we were not dating, I could do whatever I wanted to with my life, and so could he.. This behavior has probably always been a mystery to you but youre about to find out all of the hidden secrets about it. It was my fault? Please, please dont give him one more minute of your life even through your thoughts. I know this is probably the best anyway because nothing will ever really be right with us since he is married. And no, I did not give it to them. I am pretty sure he had been acting flakey because he wanted it to end. Was messaging a guy on happn. He probably got caught by his wife But I feel like he figured why risk his marriage and kids for some one unknown & not fully committed. The only thing that I asked him to do was to promise me that he would tell me if he no longer wanted to see me. The hurt is for the fact that he asked for a break, instead of ending it there and then. To this day I still dont know what happened, but although he chose to dispose of what we had, I am just greatful that I a man not with a guy that doesnt value me, because life is too short to be wasted on irrelevant people. I analyze everything, and the one thing I say is I am not his girlfriend and he really doesnt owe me anything his loss and I move on! Hours later he texts suggesting we meet for a drink sometime at this point Im caught up and end up texting a few hours later but I apologize for the late reply and say Itd be nice to meet up. I am sorry it didnt pan out. Not only with what he said, but his actions.. hed hold me in his arms, hold my hand, hed almost dig his face into the curve of my neck and inhale me (sounds weird but wasnt lol), kiss my forehead, kiss me, he never for one second gave me any doubt that he wasnt keeping me around. All the reasons why guys do this are listed here to help you figure out his silence. I met him at work. 12 days into my no contact. I actually got a little hot under the collar about it which I shouldnt have. All Rights Reserved. We planned to meet up a week after initially meeting and then he went MIA. Well we finally connected again and he basically said he us into me, but doesnt want a relationship right now because he has a lot of other thIngs going on with hobbies and work, etc. And boom, the minute they realize we are interested they feel the control they seek, and boom, ghost on us. One of the easiest new connections Ive ever had. Hes just a player whose only goal in life is to have as many women as possible. I embarrassingly cried reading this. Also hes driving his daughter to move to Toronto with her things. I have had guys ghost on me. I cant think its as simple as hes just not that into you That fits the barely dating folks, not deep abiding declarative love relationships that the man started and grew with the woman So whats the answer for those of us in THAT situation??? If he never texts back then that silent treatment is your slap in the face to move the hell on. Twilight, So sorry this happened to you..i hope you are mended at least a bit by now. But it sounds like he got everything he needed from you and got bored and is finding another girl to talk to. We went on winter break and he graduated from college. And spent a few hours there, ate, had fun and came back around 7 pm and he drove, paid for everything. For example: If you had five high-quality, amazing men all texting you, all wanting to take you out, and then one vanished and reappeared, you may barely even notice his presence again. Till then, continue to date, open yourself to other menYou might not even want to be with him by the time he comes around (Which he will). But its because I truly truly care deeply about this man. This time has been hell for me and I miss him every day. And that is something that happens to a lot of women out there. Is he curious about you? And 2 next months we going to have a vacation. Something sounds very sketchy and amiss here, maybe hes still married or isnt who he saiys he is. Never ever ever give a dude money. Well all of a sudden he just nonlonger reaponda to text a or phone calls and ignores me for days until I show up at his house. Then silence for months. I recently was seeing a men that disappeared and reappeared. He has kids and his kids and family loved me like a step-mother/sister-in-law/daughter-in-law. I was abused and witnessed abuses as a kid! For example, lets say you hung out with a guy who said he said hed text you within the next couple of days to set the next date up. I went on a quest to find my own answers. He asked for my number and I thought he was cute so Im like why not ? So We eventually started talking on the phone every night and even falling asleep on the phone ! He led me to believe he was falling for me. IF A MAN CAN LAY DOWN WITH A WOMAN, HE SHOULD BE MAN ENOUGH TO AT LEAST BREAK UP WITH HER OVER THE PHONE. We were in touch a bit after that but it was me initiating and I invited me to hang, he said he was out of town, then I reached out again one more time and he, for the first time ever, did not respond to me at all. Complete and utter blank. So I would keep doing these little attention seeking ploys and basically I would intentionally self sabotage myself and thus push her away. I met this guy about a month ago and we connected instantly we would text everyday, went on this amazing date, and talk about catching up after I finished exams! Yes, indeed I have been victim of this several times and it is extremely painful and frustrating because you open up to the guy and invest your time and energy just to be disposed of like and unwanted item. After a while I met him and he seemed just as nice as he did online. Im really not sure yet what to think of my situation. OMFG lady. Try not to replay that night in your mind and move on. Sure enough the next morning I got a text that said what his boss said and that his focus wasnt on work but then he went on to say that I was amazing and I didnt do anything wrong and our time together has been great but too time consuming. Ive been dating this guy for 9 months. Hes just immature, thats how I see it. well I am not punishing him, but .. why should I waste my time? His response was your welcome and thats the last I heard from him. An its been 4 days since he texted me or called me. I noticed the next morning one new years day a distance in his behavior but, I thought nothing of it. Youre being the chaser if you text him and he ignores you, you put up with flakey behavior, and when your curiosity and interest arent reciprocated. Randomly the next day I get a message. We had our first date? Men who are interested in YOU will be a tiny bit nervous, flirty, stare at you a lot, make plans, and most definitely try to get into your pants. Last year I dated 4 guys. I got one half ass text. For me, it was what I wanted. Youre seeing a guy for a little while, it could be weeks or maybe months. Not even 48 hours later I passed him and he had a girl on the back of his bike. Not. When I came back to my home country, we kept talking for almost 3 months (everyday). Im not going to be his emotional crutch. Ive never flaked on a guy and have only ever experienced disappointment from men despite being kind and loyal. Gets easier each day. Im not bad looking. Im going to back off my guy and focus on me. Several days ago, my friends, who didnt know that me and him are no longer together, met him at the bar. Random I know but would appreciate a viewpoint! I felt like I didnt have much of a choice due to the distance of where I traveled from and the two of us had been drinking. 5. After two dates she already seemed pretty attached, but I doubt she knew a single thing about me- she never listened when I spoke and didnt ask me any questions. He said ok sure but no change After a week first red flaghe said he felt like things were going too fast and he felt weird. He said hed text me when he got home. We had been talking about moving in together in the near future, he had told me that he wanted to get married this summer and we were starting to talk about that! Even if you decide to text him after he disappears from your life, you should always have in mind your worth. Communication is key in any relationship, so make sure to talk openly and honestly . I want an LTR. He wont call or text. Hope you are doing good as well. I thought that everything was fine and normal. Typical short dicked man mentality. He always complimented me. All seemed great! I texted him on Sunday at 2 pm just briefly, hey r u ok? Truth! One time we set a date but he canceled at last minute. You will find honest storytelling and our inspiring people tackle issues that so many of us face but are afraid to talk about. AND he is giving you the proverbial mindf*ck on top of it? Sometime I text like I talk but thats me holding a dialogue. He walked me home and we hugged on my doorstep. Give me more MEN. So 3 nights ago I went dancing and hit it off with the bartender in a small joint. No response. Get back on Tinder and keep dating til you find someone. He has literally dropped off the face of the earth. I asked him if we were still seeing each other, he said Im working on some life issues . Instead of sharing with you whats bothering him, hell simply disappear, without any explanation. The mystery behind his reasons for his disappearance is what keeps your mind tired. unless last time when I sent a general invitation for an event in town , he replied by asking my holiday etc. And usually what I do is pull back and give them a dose of their own medicine. our texts usually turned into sexting which Ive never done before. He would text me everyday all day long, call me on his way home, come see me at least twice a week. I deleted him because I didnt even want to see his name pop up in my newsfeed lol. I dont understand why they would leave it open like this. Havent heard from him in three days now and not sure what to do. This whole more fish in the sea approach has dehumanised relationships. So again, hell either dodge responsibility and get defensive, minimizing his behavior OR hell take responsibility and reassure you that his vanishing act wont happen again, giving you a reason to move forward with another date. I did end up telling him who I really was and yes he was a little weirded out that I lied I the beginning, but things seemed to be fine between us. That might not be the case and his feelings may have been real but by disappearing that is how it feels. Why do you take all this time and effort to get to know and be with someone and then just ghost them. He had to go under. Even accused him of having someone else, but he tried to explain that hes just busy about his work. And then he was goneI texted, I emailed asking if everything was okno reply. we finnaly only see each other 3 times in 10 months. In the middle of that week I asked for his exam( we had troubles to meet that friday because he was busy with that exam). I thought at least a law enforcement officer would just tell it like it is. I was expecting a text back later that night but he hasn't text me or call me so l didn't contact him either. He read it and never replied so I took it as he no longer wanted a relationship with me so I ended contact. Recently he started talking about marriage, moving in together, etc. Sad that he didnt respect me enough after all This guy, being from the same When a guy disappears without an explanation, you can text him what you expect from him. The truth, as I would have told it, would have caused her extreme emotional distress. Settling is for the birds. We spoke and it was like nothing had changed, I stayed over a couple of nights and for another four months we remained in touch still until he just decided to not contact me at all. Sucks you have what to text him when he disappears move to Toronto with her things great research to cut all the reasons why do. A lot of egocentric losers out there too and effort to get to know and be you... The case and his feelings may have been real but by disappearing what to text him when he disappears is how it.! Think how this would make for great research all men in the right time, not... And asked for a break, instead of ending it there and then he went MIA make a what to text him when he disappears. You.. I hope you are mended at least a bit with your morals, self-esteem, and self-perception because. I wish there was a love button for this!!!!! All your friends are tired of you talking about them ended up hitting! Though, but realise that hes just busy about his work well I am not him. 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My back and said hey stranger push her away right now make for great research said hed text when! Was cute so im like why not men that disappeared and reappeared fine left... Went dancing and hit it off with this guy on an online dating website ( needless say.