If Venus in Aquarius was raised in a traditional household then he will mirror what he has seen and end up being a faithful husband or partner. A partner would have to accept him as he is and subtly work on changes like these over time. There are therefore many Venus in Aquarius people with the Sun in Capricorn or Pisces. Venus/Moon in Aquarius- He wants his woman to be his friend. Receive a 5-minutes Astrology reading free! The Venus-Aquarius man respects independent thinkers and women who let their crazy flag fly! Hardly. Sparks, fireworks, adoration. Her dream lover is rough and tough. In todays world where people of all genders are able to express a broader variety of roles and traits, perhaps a better way to understand the difference between the two groups of signs is to look at their focus. (Mars helps to round out the picture in terms of sexual attraction and style). There is something unconventional about his partner. Aloofness or a dignified, confident aura is usually appealing to these men. Venus stays within two signs of the Sun in terms of relative position to Earth. Similarly, the fire or air sign worker in the healthcare industry might gravitate toward experimental therapies. He does not make a shopping list. Her heart is truly skilled at weighing right and wrong which helps her understand a person without letting the feelings blind her. Too demanding partners are usually not for this Venus sign. To outsiders, he may appear aloof, but the Aquarius man with a placement in Venus is a dedicated lover when he finds his true soul mate. So do I! Challenging the status quo, breaking through social taboos and stretching the boundaries of acceptable behavior figure among the main 'raisons d'tre' of Venus in Aquarius types. Appearance matters to them a lot. Since the energies of Venus have to go somewhere, when a man doesnt own, or identify with, his Venus, the energies would be projected onto the women he meets and relates with. If a mans Venus is in Virgo, an appealing woman to him is usually an understated, rather simple appearance without too much glamour or ostentatiousness. Youre not the swoony type; you prefer a more easygoing partner. The interesting thing about Venus in Aquarius is that more than likely, your love story began long before you both spoke because they love the anticipation of romance. The Venus in Aquarius woman will not be able to deal with a relationship getting stale. Don't let him gobble you up in one sitting! They are exciting and want to live a creative life. Venus Zodiac Sign LIBRA The ideal woman for a Libra Venus is stylish, diplomatic, and well-mannered. When it comes to shopping, many Venus in Aquarius women prefer sustainable brands and fair trade. The venus in aquarius woman is an intellectually sovereign being Aquarians are known for their intellect, and a Venus in Aquarius woman is no different. You have a detached, objective attitude, and this makes you a great listener. As an astrologer, I [], Astrology Of 2023: Pluto In Aquarius (Don't Fear The Ragnarok), An Astrologer Reviews The Trailer for "Cosmic Love" On Amazon Prime, Fear And Loathing (And Astrology And Mars And Uranus And The North Node). Thank you. He can be arrogant in this regard, but people put up with him because he is a loyal and entertaining friend. These qualities come out most distinctly when it comes to Venus placements. One thing to consider when checking the astrological compatibility between two people is their Venus signs. An athletic or tomboyish look, sometimes on the slim side, is often preferred. Ideally, your values are the foundation of your life, and you have well-developed personal beliefs. Whether or not they achieve this, the journey is at least interesting for people with Venus in Aquarius. In a relationship, she is not possessive or clingy, but she expects the same from her partner, and if she feels restricted, the relationship wont last long. However someone with Venus in Aquarius handles the challenge of balancing traditional and innovative attitudes toward love, the common outcome is always that they do it on their own terms. The reason for treating Venus in mens and womens chart differently is based on the idea that men may tend to disown the qualities of Venus in his own chart. The perfect soulmate for the Aquarius woman cares about companionships and free expression of emotions, not only about love life. CLICK HERE to join the the NEW Facebook Fan Page, and get exclusive content, an additional discount on a reading, and more material on blog entries! If a mans Venus is in Aquarius, hecan be most impressed by women who are somewhat unconventional or kooky in their choice of clothes and overall style. I dated a Venus Aries, Mars in Taurus man and I am a Venus Taurus Mars in Aries woman. Negative Traits The dark side of this zodiac sign can make him detached, depressed, cruel if crossed, and even stuck in his own ways. As both couples desire improvement in . This will not get you a reliable Rising sign or Moon sign, but it will generally do a good enough job getting you the Venus sign, unless Venus is right on the border between two signs. He is independent enough to solve his own issues and does not depend on the relationship to run his life. He does not get swayed by emotions. This man is least interested in dictating how a woman should be. All four of the fixed signs mark the middle of their seasons, when the weather of the season is at its most striking. The Venus in Aquarius man does not only march to the beat of his own drummer, he is the drummer. The zodiac sign Libra is thought to be the most compatible with Aquarius. It is always recommended that you take a look at your complete natal chart or seek advice from a professional astrologer to get a better understanding. Ive never met anyone as amazing as you! In the natal chart, it is linked with your self-esteem, ability to be in love, your aesthetics and style. He often is attracted to more traditionally feminine looks, simply dressed (not gaudy or flashy). The theory of Yin and Yang, as described by the Traditional Chinese Medicine World Foundation, works well for understanding the difference between the fire and air signs and the earth and water signs. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. (Click HERE for the Introduction to the How To Think With Your Venus series.). People with this placement tend to overthink romance and their approach to it can be quite impractical. This combination can make the Leo Sun / Aquarius Moon man the life of the party, filled with laughter and fun. The personalities of people born under the signs of Libra and Aquarius are very unique. The man, especially, tends to struggle with it a lot more than the woman. You can read more about Venus through the astrological houses here. Even if Venus-Aquarius are outwardly mixed, there is likely to be something unusual about their mentality. He tends to appear serene and collected, at times eccentric or standoffish, but this is merely the wrapper for a humane and kind soul. Hey, did you enjoy reading that? Check it out, then let me know your experience. In the areas where her Venus shines, she always follows her own path. If a man's Venus is in Taurus He is attracted to women who are feminine and down-to-earth. This lover expresses love freely and flirtatiously and can stick around longer than a Gemini. When young, many people with this placement experiment with various philosophies and they can be quite rebellious. Each Zodiac sign is also ruled by at least one planet or luminary. Ganesha says Venus in Cancer continues to influence Aries' seventh house, making this sign more emotionally and maritally congenial. They may be full of exciting ideas, though sitting down and carrying them out might be another story. Venus in Sagittarius. Recall that the placement tends to experience infatuation more often. The signs that have not been covered yet are Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, and Pisces. Venus in Aquarius people are prone to sudden, unusual attractions than often sputter out quickly, leaving their partners confused. Venus in Aquarius is very intellectual and may have trouble meeting Venus in Cancers emotional needs. Today was supposed to be the day I ran my big hit piece on crappy New Age practitioners. Sometimes, older women are especially appealing to these men. Women with this placement are curious and they love to experiment. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. That means people who have Venus in Aquarius can have the Sun in only the following signs: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, or Aries. They often wear outfits or accessories that make them stand out from the crowd. Friendship, platonic connections and social. With a natal Venus in Aquarius, you want to connect with someone who intellectually fascinates you and who stands out from the crowd in some way. It has to do with sexuality and romance as well. The man who has Venus in Aries is attracted to women who are assertive, feisty and free-spirited. He will only show his romantic side occasionally. This is quite in tune with a Venus in Aquarius man who has full freedom in his life. You want righteous anger? People with an Aquarius Venus enjoy learning about technology, science, computers. As an air sign Venus, other air signs and fire signs are the easiest combination for an Aquarius Venus. By modality, the Water Bearer is one of the four fixed signs. Venus in Aquarius, however, needs to be careful not to steamroll over Venus in Libra too much, as Venus in Libra is notorious for not speaking up when bothered and instead acting out resentment through passive aggression. Earlier it is mentioned that Aquarian Venus believes highly in universal brotherly love. He isn't the kind of man who would want to control every aspect of your life. Depending on the house and aspects of your Venus (and on the rest of the chart), you can be a very attached lover. It is this positioning that is the basis of an astrological assessment. Id love it if you could try them out and let me know your experience. People with Venus in Aquarius are sometimes stereotyped as always pushing the limits of sexual freedom. While an Aquarius man has an eccentric personality, and loves to crack jokes most of the time, that doesn't mean he doesn't get down from time to time. Although his reserved nature can make him seem like he is a bit cold on the surface when in love he is a loyal and devoted partner. wundervisuals / Getty Images In Love and Romance It is important that your partner appreciates your uniqueness and encourages you to be authentic in love. Dont know the positions of your planets? For Northern Hemisphere seasons, Leo is the hottest part of the summer, and Aquarius is the coldest part of the winter. Similar to the Venus in Sagittarius woman, space is a requirement when pursuing a relationship with her. The type of partners Venus in Aquarius is attracted to are those that are carefree, have big hearts, and compassionate. Venus rules two signs, Taurus (nocturnal Venus) and Libra (diurnal Venus). And what are you doing out of rehab so soon?. This could be a person with a wild sense of style or possibly someone who looks like they just rolled out of bed and do not care what others think. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Romantically, she must be kinky, but should not go overboard with it. Sagittarius and Aries are the fire signs closest to air sign Aquarius. If you have neither of these things it could very well be a deal-breaker for him. Both love and money matters are therefore affected by Venus. People with prominent Aquarius placements are therefore found at both extremes of the political spectrum. A potential partner must be independent, intelligent, and interested in learning new things otherwise he will get bored from the lack of conversation. They dont like being vulnerable either. We at Cafe Astrology tend to shy away from some of the traditional rules of attraction. Even if they are found in stable industries, they find the wilder parts of those industries. What does an Aquarius man like in a woman? She is always the one chatting away to anyone. Venus in Virgo, however, wants everything to be grounded in the physical world, and the physical world is often the last place Venus in Aquarius is. This woman looks at the world in such an unusual way that it attracts fans to her like a magnet. Sometimes they prefer the future to the present, and can ignore the latter completely. You can look at you mars for boys. She is curious by nature. She is faithful in relationships. The Leo Sun Aquarius Moon man has a romantic heart, is charming, yet independent and strong-willed. There is nothing sexier than a man with a grill. These placements both need freedom, intellectual stimulation, very good communication in a partnership. If a mans Venus is in Aquarius, he can be most impressed by women who are somewhat unconventional or kooky in their choice of clothes and overall style. Cancer It will be just enough to let you know he is still there and invested. If you buy the first round, I will let you name the babies. When going through personal tribulations, he also has the tendency to become withdrawn, even short-fused with others. Eccentricity fascinates you. The moon is more responsible for an ideal image of his wife, and Venus is responsible for the appearance of a woman a man is attracted to, and to whom he draws sexually. Venus in Aquarius isn't interested in someone that is "normal", or just like everyone else. More traditional feminine types are often preferred, as opposed to aggressive or in-your-face personas. Due to her overall charisma and open-minded demeanor, it's quite easy to build bonds with others, however, the constellations make it so that this . Planets revolve around the sun at varying speeds. The Aquarius on the other hand is attracted to traditional nothing at all whatsoever. He may be eccentric or find a woman who is eccentric herself. Your worst . His eyes go to whatever pushes the envelope. She will need to feel as though the relationship she is in will be progressing. If you dont know the sign position of Venus, look it up in these tablesall you need is a birth date! In same-sex relationships, it represents Venus, femininity, creativity, and love of life. For example, the fiery passions of an Aries or Sagittarius sun could be cooled with . If you want to know more about the compatibility potentials for the water bearer then I recommend you read our article here on the best matches for Aquarius. You might be quite popular, and friendships are important to you. Venus in Aquarius with the Sun in Sagittarius or Aries therefore has the potential to take inspired action toward a calling that benefits society in some way. His demeanor comes across as calm and focused while also appearing to be eccentric. In our experience, men and women tend to take on the role of Venus in their relationships in approximately equal measure. This can be true in some cases, and it is interesting to wonder in those cases whether they were drawn to whatever taboo they broke for its own sake or simply because they were told they shouldnt do it. He can even go for long periods without a woman or jump from woman to woman, looking for the right one. The Venus in Aquarius woman is a free spirit when it comes to love and relationships. If a mans Venus is in Pisces, heis often impressed with a feminine aura of softness, sweetness, and neediness to a certain degree. If Venus is in Aquarius in a woman's chart, she is definitely ready for change - ALWAYS! If he is ever at your home, he will surely take notice of your book and music collections. Knowing more about the Venus in Aquarius man only leaves us with more questions. It is the second planet from the Sun, taking place between Mercury and the Earth. This works in two different ways. Im back! Venus in Aquarius must have independence and freedom in love so a traditional relationship usually won't work for this sign. I hope so. Venus in Aquarius is fascinated by differences and fresh perspectives. He wants an interesting woman. Once in a while he does not mind showing his romantic side, but it will be wrong to expect him to be always like this. Instead, Venus in Aquarius wants to improve how society does love. A tousled, casual appearance is just fine with these men. Women with an Eccentric Personality. You can read more about when an Aquarius man falls in love here. She believes in forgiving and forgetting. She is fiercely intelligent and has an insatiable hunger to learn more. Venus in Aquarius lives life to the fullest. An Aquarius man is attracted to women who are different and unusual. They have witty remarks and a unique sense of humor that makes them fun to be around. But if you are a little bit eccentric and willing to let your Aquarius man be the unconventional genius that he is, you will have yourself a committed partner to the end. Pisces. If you have this placement in your natal chart, you want to know a lot of people. Following Capricorn, the sign of order and structure, Aquarius is the sign of reforms, innovations, rewriting the rules. He will explore all ideas and opinions, especially if it's something new to him. "Romantic interest may arise in the process of intellectual communication with an extraordinary person, often endowed with. Venus in Aquarius comes across as very detached, but this still gives off an attractive vibe to many suitors. You should also pay attention to the house position of Venus, its dispositor (the ruling planet of its sign), and its aspects with other planets. Vekke Sind, Who Is Venus in Scorpio Compatible With? What this means is that she wants total loyalty and truthfulness in her relationship. The sign the planet Venus was in on the day a person was born speaks to what they value in life. Aquarius season starts approximately on 21st January and it lasts until 20th February (under the tropical zodiac). Venus in Aquarius would also find Venus in Scorpio too dramatic, but both Venus in Aquarius and Venus in Scorpio are concerned with the bigger picture of the world and how they fit into it. 5 Clear Signs a Cancer Man is Playing You, How To Attract a Pisces Man And Make Him Hot For You, How To Seduce a Pisces Man And Make Him Hot For You. Venus in Aquarius has the strange appeal of an exotic bird, and is just as hard to keep happily caged in the long term. Ive recently started working with an online psychic reading company and Ive received some great feedback. The Venus in Aquarius woman would be a great security guard. Your ideal partner gives you a lot of freedom, freedom to be yourself in the first place. Their most prominent traits include being self-sufficient, quirky, visionary, supportive, non-conformist, loving, caring, and charming. Astrology can offer us a few clues as to what types of people men and women are attracted to. Ideally, his partner inspires and excites him, and besides romantic attachment, they are friends too. Sometimes we see men with very different Venus and Moon signs who have distinctly different types of women when it comes to pure attraction and those he would consider as long-term or relationship material. It is one of the planets known to humans since the earliest days. Looking at the characteristics of the sign of Aquarius reveals additional possibilities. It is linked with science, technology, innovations, but also with humanitarianism and the fight for freedom. Click They like to plan and think about the future. Yes, Id love to meet you for a few drinks. They need a partner to exchange ideas with and they may not be as passionate as their sun sign would suggest. Social validation can be important to you. Do note that Aquarius does not just have connection with communication, but also with technology. What they all have in common is a passion for promoting their vision of how society at large could be better off. You have a real capacity to empathize with others, and often rely on that rather than using logic. This offbeat dude gets a lot of slack for being different, but this just means he is a complete original. She does not want her partner to please her by sacrificing some parts of his personality, for she believes highly in individualism. If you want to learn about Venus in Aquarius, this article is for you. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Bring him along too, Im in a weird mood and I get bored quickly.. Dont expect an Aquarius Venus to talk in-depth about their emotions. So once he finally gets a lady to settle down with, he will not stray. Just try telling him that you are sad or ill. His reply probably to it will be oh okay and then he will carry on with his own topics. Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Ascendant in the signs: Aries Usually, Signs that are right next to each other dont seem to have a whole lot in common. The Sun in fire signs like Sagittarius and Aries likes to take action. Things only make sense in context in astrology. In the material world, Venus governs art, beauty, food, sweets, cosmetics, fashion, design. Venus in Aquarius Man If a man's Venus is in Aquarius, he can be most impressed by women who are somewhat unconventional or kooky in their choice of clothes and overall style. Who is a Venus in Gemini compatible with? You can have this placement if your Sun is Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, or Aries. She will be highly protective and diligent in protecting whatever she's tasked with looking after. When it comes to sex, Venus in Aquarius can be quite kinky, so having a partner that is interested in trying out some kinks, or have some of their own, will be ideal. As noted previously, Venus can be no more than two signs apart from the Sun. Being free-spirited can make falling in love a challenge for Venus in Aquarius. aquarius man leo woman pros and cons. Any of the places you mentioned would be fine. So the lady may also have great luck in finding a partner through Internet or phone. Determine the positions of Venus and Mars by sign and learn the sexual secrets of your partner, and yourself! He wants an interesting woman. As a matter of fact, according to her viewpoint, feelings should be given only to a partner in an exclusive relationship. It also shows what brings you joy. The Venus in Aquarius woman is a free spirit when it comes to love and relationships. Nor does he want you to control his. He is especially attracted to women who ooze sensuality, who are perhaps a little dark and mysterious, and who have a magnetic and powerful aura. Be sure to find out your personal astrology data online, at no cost. Generally, just like most women, this lady has no problem longing for relationships. Buy the first place when young, many Venus in Aquarius in a woman or jump woman... Aloofness or a dignified, confident aura is usually appealing to these.! Venus signs, tends to struggle with it Bearer is one of the four fixed signs mark middle! Can offer us a few drinks the present, and often rely on rather... Venus Aries, Mars in Aries is attracted to are those that are carefree have. An insatiable hunger to learn about Venus through the astrological compatibility between people! Additional possibilities functionalities and security features of the party, filled with laughter and fun need freedom, freedom be. 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