All rights reserved. demon-like figure on top. Scientists theorized that it was once part of a meteor, but tests have proven that assumption to be incorrect. The Disc of Sabu: Ancient Egyptian Water Pump or Alien Hyperdrive. solid pudding stone, about 15 feet in the ground, at Dorchester, Mass. The expansive, dark, and hot mine is almost impossible to completely keep watch over so every once in awhile an illegal squatter will be discovered. 2008. bring to light what is hidden. some kind of mortar, different from any other construction in the valley. about. Every once in a while archaeologists (and sometimes Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 14(1):2833. in China (Mertz, 1972, p.99). challenged except to say that it was impossible. Another intriguing possibility is that the bell appeared to be in coal but was actually in a concretion of coal slurry and coal lumps hardened over time so that it appeared to be inside a contiguous lump of coal.. Hunting \u0026 Fishing 7. Then there was a "mystery object of exquisite workmanship" found by workers in Some of these items are "problematic" to the accepted teaching B.C. the base, and two and a half inches wide at the top. A Garuda bell referenced by Hudson (2010) for its figurines similarities to the bell found in coal. This informationis helpful in testing the viability of Hudsons scenario (Hudson, 2010). 150,000-Year-Old Pipes Baffle Scientists in China: Out of Place in Time? about Bizarre Finding of a Swiss Ring Watch in a Sealed Ming Dynasty Tomb, about Latter Day Forgeries: The Hoax of the Kinderhook Plates. Theyve learned via some lab work (DOE Argonne Labs) thatthe coal CAN FORM actually quite quickly under the right conditions agame changer of sorts in terms of theories. Retrieved May 16, 2013, from, Hudson, G. 2010. Figure 2. Far from where anyone lives or which had three legs and a spout, made polished stone axes with perfect holes Which brings us to the events on August 13,1963, at Sheppton, located in the anthracite coal belt of Schuylkill County in eastern Pennsylvania where the famed Sheppton Mine Disaster and Rescue transpired. This is a comprehensive list of such artifacts; artifacts that many It was a giant roach fossil - about 4 inches long and twice as big as most modern American roaches. 1800s broke open a lump of coal, dug from a vein some 300 feet in the earth, and in the June, 1851 edition of Scientific American said the artifact was a Image downloaded from Hudson (2010). made. The Voice of Russia, an international Russian broadcasting service, reported that since the coal deposits in this region of the country can be dated to 300 million years ago, experts are suggesting that the odd piece of metal found in the coal must be that old as well. Oregon, Idaho and portions of neighbouring states was covered. Plus, August 27 is the 47th anniversary of one of the most famous mining disasters and rescue operations to have occurred in Pennsylvania, which captured both the country and the world's attention, of which I'llshortly return and give a brief account. Only the return of the Lord Jesus Christ will cause them to admit to the truth. civilization came to an end in the flood, this bell was buried with a mass of house in Upshur County West Virginia is supposed to be about 300 million years iron and obviously hand crafted. Similar tech for remote kissing first surfaced less than a decade ago with the Kissenger, a kiss sent via messenger. feet. Tasked with stoking the furnace at his home in Buckhannon, West Virginia, Anderson went down to the basement one evening and picked out a particularly large lump of coal which he placed onto his already loaded shovel. It is said that in 1844, quarry workers at Rutherford Mills, England, found a The Iliad can provide new insights on the role of motherhood among the ancient Greek gods, and by extension, amongst ancient mortal Greek women themselves. They . But the Bible says they will mourn when this happens: "At that time the sign of the Son of Man will Morris, J. The chain was The world is big. a depth of 114 feet. It was a large, smooth wall, disclosed when a great mass of coal fell away from it, and on its surface, carved in bold relief, were several lines of hieroglyphics. (Jessup, M.K. authentic. . Similar locations have been studied in Genesis Park collection. Food grows The item was sent to The Smithsonian Institute for Oct 2, 2013, 09:43 AM EDT. examination, and remained buried in the volumes of artifacts stored there until The Wolfsegg Iron, as a result, still perplexes researchers and scientists alike to this day. Moreover, he was unaware of anyone in his communitythat was Hindu, of Indian descent, or had traveled to the Far East and returned with any artifacts. The blast threw out an immense mass of rock, some of the pieces weighing several tons, and scattered fragments in all directions. The mines were a prime source of economic activity since the fifth century BCE, but future excavating resulted in two cathedrals. It left some shaking their heads, others pondering if it was an ancient form of life or perhaps just a creature that is identifiable today that wandered deep inside somehow and proceeded to mummify in the permafrost. Though certainly not definitive, it makes more sense than believing in the extremely improbable chain of events presented by critics. "Rescued Miners Tell Own Stories of 14-Day Ordeal. The polygraph examination report can be viewed online (Fulmer, 2007). the tiles are dated anywhere from 20,000 to 80,000 years old, they lie in a Robotics lecturer Hooman Samani worked on that project, and he thinks there's . Excerpt taken from The Myth of Man: Hidden History and the Ancient Origins of Humankind. We drove down the mine in an armored vehicle, until we were a hundred meters below the surface," Falcon-Lang said. If the coal had been mined on the surface, then it would be slightly more reasonable that the bell might have fallen into an exposed coalseam. Anything that is found in lumps of coal or in coal seams during mining, had to have been placed or dropped into the vegetation before it was buried in sediment. ( CHECK IT OUT) 1. human feet ever travel, men dig the shafts of mines. MAN-MADE BELL FOUND IN LUMP OF COAL In 1944, as a ten year old boy, Newton Anderson dropped a lump of coal in his basement and found that it contained this bell inside. But 90% of WV coal is bituminous, which is softer and flat black in appearance. six-penny nail. LIKE WHAT YOU'RE READING?subscribe to our top stories. a circular shaped eight-carat gold chain, about 10 inches long, embedded in a Anderson responded to this hypothesis by reminding me that the bell was not found in lignite (soft, brown coal), but came from a block of hard, black coal. My suspicion about the possibility of the 16th Amendment controversy possibly providing a motive for the CIA to declare Thomas Chans book The Adam & Eve Story classified is clearly not correct. There they work in had been found in hydraulic operations hundreds of feet underground. The Sivatherium of Kish: Did Sumerians Tame a Prehistoric Giraffe? may have been a machine part. But what happens when a piece of the metal was determined to be aged more than three-hundred million years? But the scientific There have been many promising stories about the discovery of pre-Flood giant skeletons, antediluvian artifacts, and even the ark itself. A Archaeologists delved into the 250 feet deep mine to explore and record the fossils. still intact. elaborately carved rock and other worked stones weighing up to 800 pounds which In 2007 I hired Stan Fulmer, an expert polygraph specialist who worked on death row cases. Man came before Pacific Northwest. When the water had retreated, the local farmers inspected the damage. The document read, In the year 1928, I, Atlas Almon Mathis, was working in coal mine No. and dishes, used a circular, skillet-like vessel made of lava, hard as iron, It is clear that a bell emplaced in Carboniferous coal would present a serious challenge to the evolutionary timeline. The Institute for Creation Research had the Snelling, Andrew A. rhinoceros and on other animals at a site near Paris, and evidence of the use of The lava spread over an estimated 200,000 square miles in That may turn some heads. He subsequently wrote (Morris, 2010), Nuclear Activation Analysis determined it to be primarily of bronze with a curious admixture of zinc. After the earths populations began to grow again, this same spirit could have inspired similar religious worshipin the Orient during more recent times. The bell was prominently featured in the 1992 CBS docudrama Krabia minuta were native to Asia and are the ancestors to all monkeys, apes, and humans. (originally published in Creation Matters, Vol. Over the next couple of days the boy extracted a small bell from the coal, first by whacking it with a croquet mallet and then by cleaning it with lye and a scrub brush. The fossil is rare because its completely in tact, while most insect fossils are only partial imprints. As Greek mythology goes, the universe was once a big soup of nothingness. Should these two factors prove to be correct as they initially appear, one must then question civilized mans place in history. The bituminous coal that was mined near his house in Upshur County West Virginia is supposed to be about 300 million years old! An evangelistic tract was made that presented the bell as indisputable proof of the worldwide deluge. . If the coal seam was close to the surface (typically a flat topography), the dirt and rock overburden could be easily stripped away and the coal harvested. CMM refers to the methane released from coal and the surrounding rock strata from mining activities. A strange account comes from the little village of tunnel, a mortar and pestle weighing 30 pounds, beads, perforated stones, a Workers will usually work to extract valuable minerals from the Earths surface, to be processed for various purposes later on. --Matthew 24:30. The Genesis Flood was an act of judgment, purposely sent to destroy the wicked civilization of Noahs day (Genesis 6:57). Mapes had 53 years of mining experience and was working as a contractor for LSM Contracting near . After some discussions I agreed to acquire the fascinating artifact from Anderson, but requested that he take a lie detector test to further validate his story. The Beast with an insatiable Hunger for Human Flesh, A Blazing Weapon: Unraveling the Mystery of Greek Fire, New Evidence Shows Humans Were Using Bows and Arrows in 52,000 BC. (Heizer, 1962, While workers were boring an This bizarre phenomena is often called toad in the hole. Lacking that, the mysterious bell found in coal is perhaps the best candidate we have for an antediluvian artifact. to commonly accepted geological dating: a hyena tooth sawed by a flint before it In some cases the toads are found 5, 10, and even 20 feet deep inside of rock. The older one was shut down in 1992 due to safety concerns, while the more recent one opened up in 1995. I traced the source of the coal, and found that it came from the Wilburton, Oklahoma Mines., The iron pot OOPart found in coal with the affidavit. It is easy, even for trained scientists,to make observational mistakes, or to jump to conclusions too quickly when presenting a dramatic find to bolster their own arguments. an Austrian foundry in 1885. This was a shaft mine, and they told us it was two miles deep. It was in room 24 of this mine one evening where Mathis had blasted coal loose using explosives that he would discover physical proof of ancient civilized activity below the ground. The conclusion is unmistakable. Man came before the lava flowed, and deep canyons have been cut by rivers since the lava spread. Sharbaugh. Crude choppers and scrapers of quartzite were found deep in the earth and had Thus, the bell was most likely found in a lump of black coal, probably bituminous. from 30 to 300 million years for its natural production. The chemistry of this coal mine in Ohio somehow preserved these insects with extreme detail that is not seen anywhere else.# 3 Dead Body found in Ghost Town MineHobby adventurers had the scare of their life when they were exploring an abandoned ghost town called Whroo in Victoria, Australia. They dig to the sources of rivers and We can feel strong regrets that as both occupations have Garuda (a beaked, flying god) is sometimes depicted on top of bells, as is the Egyptian winged goddess Isis. In this photo released by China's Xinhua News Agency, rescuers work at the site of a collapsed open pit coal mine in Alxa Banner in northern China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region . By bringing together top experts and authors, this archaeology website explores lost civilizations, examines sacred writings, tours ancient places, investigates ancient discoveries and questions mysterious happenings. The Cave of the Crystals, connected to a mine in a town called Naica, contains enormous crystals. In 1944, as a ten-year-old boy, Newton Anderson dropped a lump of coal in his basement and found that it contained this bell inside. An enemy at the gates is less formidable" An altar for worship was found there. Examining Out-of-Place Stone Figures from the Forgotten City of Oxkintok. The object itself, like the Klerksdorp sphere, is covered in strange craters and idents, giving it a mysterious appearance. Retrieved October 15, 2013, from, Lotz, C.W. The cave itself was discovered by miners in the early twentieth century, and was, at first, inaccessible due to the hot temperature. One of the most, if not the most, mysterious things found in a mine is a fossilized jaw. Bizarre Finding of a Swiss Ring Watch in a Sealed Ming Dynasty Tomb, Latter Day Forgeries: The Hoax of the Kinderhook Plates. Protruding from one of the broken halves was a slender metallic object; so setting aside the piece containing the unusual item, the curious boy threw the remainder into the furnace. In fact, he must have been thriving before he is supposed to have Critics of the bell artifact have seized on the similarity to Garuda bells (Figure 3) to suggest that the Anderson bell is of modern origin. It is easy, even for trained scientists, The fact that the bells metallurgical fingerprint is odd should not be surprising if, indeed, the bell is from, Answering Supposed Contradictions in the Bible, Probabilities, Monkeys, and Natural Selection,,, On June 11, 1891, an Illinois newspaper reported the unusual discovery of a modern artifact found embedded in a lump of coal that had originated from a South Illinois mine, which the Illinois State Geological Survey said had formed between 260 and 320 million years ago, at some time during the Carboniferous Period. The Salzburg Cube is yet another ancient puzzle found by a worker named Reidl in A coal slurry consists of coal dust, particles, and water that is typically a by-product of coal mining. In 1944, as a ten year old boy, Newton Anderson, dropped a lump of coal in his basement and it broke in half as it hit the floor. (Edward, 1964, p.109). SUBSCRIBE:: LIKE AND SHARE:: HELP GROW YOUR CHANNEL THIS CHANNEL COVERS 9 DIFFERENT SUBJECTS !!! many parts of the world. Proceedings of the American Philosophic Society . A strange saucer-shaped object has been dug up by miners during excavation work in Siberia. History \u0026 Mountain Culture 4.The Unexplained 5. What is the origin of the legend of the Christed Son who was born of a virgin on December 25th? The find has never been he should be. A similar discovery was made near Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. It is also known to hold a capacity of up to ten thousand people, so you may want to add this destination to your bucket list! The large piece inevitably wobbled and fell to the ground, splitting in two as it hit the hard floor. however, their existence challenges everything we thought we knew about the ( Public Domain ). Max Hahn and his wife Emma were on a walk when they noticed a rock with wood crystal, or rubies, or the finest topaz and the purest gold. The story behind its finding has been related by its discoverer, Newton Anderson, who appears to be a credible witness. Even in this modern day and age, we still dont have a clue about what lurks in the remote corners of this planet. Now referred to as the Dorchester Pot, the bell-shaped vessel, which many have described as a vase but is more likely a pipe-holder or candlestick, was 4.5 inches (11.43 cm) high with a diameter of 6.5 inches (16.51 cm) at the base and 2.5 inches (6.35 cm) at the top, with a thickness of about 0.12 inches (3 mm). Archaeologists have been able to take a closer look at one of the United Kingdoms most famous shipwrecks. The oxidized remains of a tapered, threaded iron screw was found in a piece of were put aside as unexplainable anomalies by those that is indoctrinating Fulmer, L.S. Plateau City, Colorado, a short distance east of Grand Junction. . No one knows how these toads find themselves in the rock, or how they survive without any water, food, or air. But the reality is that the mine was far underground, making the critics just-so story a combination of whopping unlikelihood stacked upon impossibility! He goes on to say: All we have is the testimony of one person who says he found the bell when he was ten years old (over 60 years before he took the polygraph test). Perhaps a spirit being (maybe even named Pazuzu or Garuda) was worshiped by a pre-Flood cult. dug. who would like to sweep such things under the rug so they don't confuse their The bell was even displayed at the San Diego Museum of Natural History for a couple ofyears, and they made an offer to purchase it. Andersons coal bin. A British publication of 1845-51 contained a report by Sir David Brewster that a Strange objects that are more than millions of years in age are more prevalent than youd initially think. out of the earth, but underneath the same earth all is torn up and crushed. Conventional theory has early hunters migrating from Asia to A California newspaper reported the find of an activation analysis revealed that the bell contains an unusual mix of metals, by the media. Famous U.S. turns out, the rock encasing the hammer was dated back more than 400 million 1 The portion that protruded looked suspiciously manmade, so he investigated by enlisting the help of nearby scientists. world and human history. Anderson eventually moved to Florida and became a chemistry teacher. 15:193-198). I am sure you are familiar with his legend which states that he was born in a manger surrounded by shepherds, about Examining Out-of-Place Stone Figures from the Forgotten City of Oxkintok, about Library in Stone: The Ica Stones of Professor Cabrera Part I. about The Sivatherium of Kish: Did Sumerians Tame a Prehistoric Giraffe? Ancient Origins 2013 - 2023Disclaimer- Terms of Publication - Privacy Policy & Cookies - Advertising Policy -Submissions - We Give Back - Contact us. A handful of other such accounts have been recorded, And while that length is dramatic, it's not too hard to believe compared to some current pythons and anacondas. At a depth of ten feet he found paved tile laid in about The Disc of Sabu: Ancient Egyptian Water Pump or Alien Hyperdrive? Of all my years of working underground I have witnessed 3 really strange unexplainable encounters that to this day I still can't explain. year; the hammer itself turned out to be more than 500 million years old. point, and the identical pattern is found both in China and over The Geological Map of West Virginia. An ornate brass bell was found in 300 million year old coal. One of the most prodigious lava flow in the history of the world occurred in the In 1972, a competent geologist stated that the California. Bizarre Discoveries in Mines - YouTube 0:00 / 8:35 Clerksdorp spheres Bizarre Discoveries in Mines Talltanic 2.39M subscribers Subscribe 5.1K 1.1M views 6 years ago Here are 11 of the most. search the depths of the earth and dig for rocks in the darkness. The bituminous coal found in WestVirginias Upshur County is dated as Carboniferous Period and Pennsylvanian Epoch, which is supposed to have lasted from roughly 323 to 298 million years ago (Anonymous, 1997). conventional dating (Edward, 1962, p.100-101). hardest rocks, dig mountains away at their base. The crystals themselves are so pure, that scientists cant figure out their actual age yet using the tools available. In order to validate his claims, Newton Anderson took a polygraph test in 2007, which he passed comfortably. The figure atop the bell which Anderson discovered is strikingly similar to that of the Hindu deity Garuda, which is commonly placed on top of Ghanta bells used in Indian, Tibetan, and Nepalese worship. So it continues to be a bit of a puzzle. 18, No. Audaxviator translates to bold traveller which refers to the fact that the bacteria was found 2 miles below the surface of the Earth and is the only organism in its ecosystem. mining in ancient times was like. The fossilized jaw of a pint-size primate that lived about 35 million years ago in Asia has been unearthed in Thai coal mines. . Ancient Thick-shelled Turtle Discovered in Coal Mine | LiveScience Animals Bugs Live Animals Frog And Toad Natural Phenomena Science And Nature Bizarre Serving Bowls Impossible Stuff Found In Coal And Rock : Ancient Mysteries Alien Life Forms ufo tooth wheel Ancient Astronaut Theory Ufo Tooth Wheel "A nation can survive its fools and and even the ambitious but it cannot survive treason from within. One human skull was found at a depth of 130 feet There have been many promising stories about the discovery of pre-Flood giant skeletons, antediluvian artifacts, and even the ark itself. A large ceramic spoon or ladle was found in the ashes of a coal stove by a woman Are the Misty Peaks of the Azores Remnants of the Legendary Atlantis? Still, there are several curious things about this there before the glacial advance. a sharp tool on the horn of fossilized rhino remains in Ireland. 19th-century pipe holder from India, Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya . For more information, you can visit the authors website, facebook page or Amazon author page . We are sure there are many others which we don't know about or have gone Man-made bell found in lump of coal. Figure 1. digs and scrapes and drills into the mysterious earth, many surprising finds are Polygraph tests are unreliable because they only tell us if someone thinks they are lying and there is no doubt that Mr [sic] Anderson believes he is telling the truth. Heizer notes a number of impossibilities according The Bible says, So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by theword of God (Romans 10:17). Figurine on the handle of the hand-bell. Much of Washington, California quite as well as Job 28 (TEV). Mponeng squatters are called ghost miners and will find empty caverns to make their home in, illegally mine gold to sell above ground, and will even meet with prostitutes in the mines.# 5 The Bold Travelers of Mponeng - Desulforudis audaxviatorIn the worlds deepest gold mine, a new species of bacterium was discovered called Desulforudis audaxviator. A slender metallic object was revealed, protruding from one of the broken halves. Was this German silver mine really defended by two Roman forts and a line of "spike defenses? He first became fascinated by the possibility of UFOs and extraterrestrial beings in his late teens during the early 90's; the last decade before the Read More. From time to time, unusual artifacts are found in There are places where gold is refined. Found in pyrophyllite mines in South Africa, the origin of these strange small objects have been a constant source of debate between researchers. The bituminous coal that was mined near his house in Upshur County West Virginia is supposed to be about 300 million years old! conventional dating is followed, ancient man seems to be far more ancient than This is unacceptable to them, so we will never expect them to do so. its existence was made public in 1976. These items may be extremely valuable, seriously weird, or perhaps even both. Anderson declared that he wouldnt have even tried to burn the lump if it was brown. Instead, it lives off of hydrogen and sulfide as food, which come from the breakdown of radioactive elements. Then, two things happened: either Chaos or Gaia created the universe as we know it, or Ouranos and Tethys gave birth to the first beings. 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