See you later is a term that is used to express ones desire to meet or talk with someone again in the future. 0000506201 00000 n .postid-1764461 .sidebar-widget.popular-jobs-widget{ WebSee you later, alligator. Used especially as a rhyming response to the phrase "See you later, alligator. '' + i + dl; 0000492072 00000 n [davaj Bye! 0000701161 00000 n 0000367116 00000 n } 0000309249 00000 n / si: ju rand / Similar to the ones above. 0000702880 00000 n 0000663622 00000 n Term for "[Idiom], [Rhyme]" like "See you later, alligator. 16. PPTX. *Listen to the song, See You Later, Alligator, by Bill Haley and the Comets, for reference. WebSEE You Later, Alligator was a big hit for Bill Haley and His Comets in 1956 - and Bobby Charles was the man who wrote the timeless top ten tune. They don't make 'em like they used to! (stairs replaced with a rhyming word or phrase) > Go up the apples. General term for punctuation that surrounds a word or phrase? } This is an old use and still use for this catch phrase to tell someone see you. and the answer for it after while, crocodile, alligator and crocodile were brought for the sake of rhyme. OK, see you later, alligator. After while, crocodile. Get a See you later, alligator mug for your mate Jos. } Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. The song also has a more light-hearted beat than the original, starting out with a high-pitched, childlike voice (belonging to Haley's lead guitarist, Franny Beecher) reciting the title of the song. } )( window, document, 'script', 'dataLayer', 'GTM-W5PMGDG' ); The actual question makes it clear that this is broader than valedictions. The phrase implies a friendly tone, as if the person is saying they hope to see the other person again in the future. What do you call an alligator in a vest? 13. English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. 30. are poetry, or at least verse; they are, in some elements, poetic. WebSee you later alligator - Bill Haley and Comets Loizos Loizou 7.11K subscribers Subscribe 3.2M views 9 years ago History Originally entitled "Later Alligator", the song, based on a 0000324701 00000 n By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Because these opening phrases are not idioms or figures-of-speech, my ideal term does not include them. Later Gator is a slang phrase used to mean See you later. 0000104396 00000 n 0000141183 00000 n Come home soon!". 0000308919 00000 n See more words with the same meaning: goodbyes (list of). Dot product of vector with camera's local positive x-axis? What do alligators call human children? I don't think there's an exact phrase for this, but a 'rhyming valediction' might be a good way to describe it. [CDATA[ */ Alligators also have leathery armored skin, while crocodiles lack this protective armor. On 15th February 1954, The Kansas City Times (Kansas City, Missouri) published Words, Wit and Wisdom, in which William Morris wrote: It has long been my conviction that the most effervescent and everchanging department of the American language is the subdivision labeled Teenage slang. So I suggested that my younger readers send in the favorite expressions of their teenage set. farewell. 0000514732 00000 n I am open to suggestions like these but my preference lies with terms more like antimetabole, a word I recently learned from ELU which focuses more on the structure or composition of the phrase than on its sound. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. 0000492107 00000 n 0000491560 00000 n "It's my pleasure, treasure!" A monthly update on our latest interviews, stories and added songs. 56. w[ l ].push( { (formal) This is the most common way of saying goodbye in Ukrainian after you finish your business with someone. For example, in the Book of Genesis, Joseph interprets Pharaohs dreams as a warning of famine and provides advice accordingly. 0000325031 00000 n What do you call a man who is too big for an alligator to eat? 9. f.parentNode.insertBefore( j, f ); 0000039706 00000 n ! Looking for more animal jokes for kids? 0000400339 00000 n [2] Guidry also wrote "Walking to New Orleans", which was recorded by Fats Domino. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. After while, crocodile can be traced back to the 1940s. This is what I heard her say, See you later alligator, after while crocodile However, if you are asking whether something happens inside or outside of the crocodiles habitat, then the answer would be within. See you later, alligator originated in U.S. teenagersslang. Learn more, including how we use cookies and how you can change your settings. You may also be aware that the phrase features heavily (read: almost entirely) in a song literally titled, See You Later, Alligator, written and first recorded by American singer-songwriter, Bobby Charles in 1954. The songs popularity skyrocketed when it was re-recorded by Bill Haley & His Comets in 1955. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. } To convince the guys that he needed a break, he screamed, "I've got blisters on my fingers!" 'gtm.start': Is there a proper earth ground point in this switch box? Clash between mismath's \C and babel with russian, Story Identification: Nanomachines Building Cities. MDQ Merchandising LLC (2010). 0000334919 00000 n // console.log('Changed ' + all_links.href); 0000173907 00000 n While their capabilities are not on the same level as other animals such as dolphins, chimpanzees, and otters, research has demonstrated that alligators are capable of impressive cognitive abilities. is a partial "cockney-fication". } 0000400188 00000 n 18. Why must a product of symmetric random variables be symmetric? Fighting behavior has also been observed when an alligator was trying to get to a nesting female crocodile or when a crocodile tried to make contact with an alligator female. Perhaps since 'See you later, alligator' is the lead example perhaps - a haleybill? This article was originally published on November 23, 2020, 150+ Family Instagram Captions To Capture Special Moments With Your Crew, A Man Went Viral For Refusing To Give Up His Spot On A Ride To A Crying Child. /* */ The title of a 1950s rock-'n'-roll smash hit by Bill Haley and His Comets, the phrase was already in use, especially in the South. see you later alligator chords ver 2 by bill haley amp his. There are 26 different color combinations that you can trade! ", Bye! Bob: Later. 0000344394 00000 n In the UK, the single peaked at no. 0000475430 00000 n if(typeof window.DotMetricsObj != 'undefined') {DotMetricsObj.onAjaxDataUpdate();} Mark: See you later alligator! 0000383709 00000 n WebMeaning: A casual way of saying to friends I'll see you again, sometime, (without a definite date or time having been set) - this is often abbreviated to 'Later Avg. And that isnt all, kids! "See You Later, Alligator" is a 1950s rock and roll song written and first recorded by American singer-songwriter Bobby Charles. [4] Unlike most of Haley's recordings for Decca, which were created at the Pythian Temple studio in New York City,[Note 1] "Alligator" and its flip-side, "The Paper Boy (On Main Street U.S.A.)", were recorded at the Decca Building in New York. Then I remembered other examples from the musical number Telephone Hour in the 1963 film Bye Bye Birdie, in which teenyboppers greet each other on the phone with phrases like, And I've found several pages of lesser-known but valid examples of what I wish to describe, some examples being "So long, King [Donkey?] see you later alligator annie kubler 9781904550051. bill haley and his ets see you later alligator songtext. function external_links_in_new_windows_loop() { Matt Hansen Photography. Natalie Snyders. The alligator replies, Im alright, thanks, kid!. [] Why shouldnt you shoot an alligator? The Red Hot Chili Peppers have some rather unusual song titles - see if you can spot the real ones. 0000701768 00000 n See you later, alligator,After a while, crocodile,Blow a kiss, jellyfish.Give a hug, ladybug,See you soon, big baboon,Out the door, dinosaur,Take (good) care, polar bear,Wave goodbye, butterfly. 0000622009 00000 n 0000700389 00000 n Also, we can call the latter part of the phrase a rhyme-tag: a word or phrase used primarily to produce a rhyme. ! So I have generalized it to rhyme. Typically, it is believed that alligators are at a disadvantage in a fight against a crocodile, as the latter tend to be larger in size and have more powerful jaws. Although some have speculated that it was made popular by the 1950s Hank Cochen song Gator Tails and Monkey Ribs, the saying is known to have been used before that. Moreover, See You Later, Alligator can also be used as a call and response song. "What's your story, morning glory?" 0000344359 00000 n This classic hails from a time when rock-n-roll bands had flashy names like "Bill Haley & His Comets" and played 12-bar blues songs like they knew where they were coming from. I dont know, but I will not smell it! The song was also recorded by Roy Hall, who had written and recorded "Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On" ten weeks before, on December 1, 1955, at a Nashville session. Take Care, Polar Bear! WebSee You Later, Alligator Kids Lyrics. (In the Catalog [sic] of Copyright Entries (Washington, 1956), it appeared as See Ya Later, Alligator, words and music by Robert Charles Guidry, copyright claimed by Robert Charles Guidry, registered on 6th September 1955, as number EU409054.). 3. if(ignore != '' && != -1) { After A While, Crocodile! if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'remodelormove_com-leader-4','ezslot_26',165,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-remodelormove_com-leader-4-0');This practice of dream interpretation continues today, with dreams often holding a deeper symbolic meaning beyond their surface imagery. And of course theres the additional pidgin and Hawaiian words to dress it up. 0000700467 00000 n [buvaj] / ! Kong" and "Maana, iguana." What do you get if you cross an alligator with a flower? For a decade or more, hep/hip/with-it cats and chicks ended conversations with the phrase. 0000003796 00000 n It hits cinemas on July 11 and stars the incredibly good Kaya Scodelario. Theres just something about alligators and crocodiles that make the best jokes. And remember to always respond with, In a while, crocodile!. The Really Dumb Origin Story Of The Phrase See You Later Alligator, The Next Stage Of Teen Identity Is Playing Out On TikTok. by. The phrase later gator is an informal and casual way to say goodbye. Whats worse than one crocodile coming to dinner? What did the alligator say to the other alligator that was in the way? "Got no tale, Nightingale!" And say you just love me too, I said wait a minute gator, I know you meant it just for play The earliest instance of see you later, alligator that I have found is from Teenagers Slang Expressions Are Explained by Columnists, by Jackie and Jane, Star-Bulletin Teen Columnists, published in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin (Honolulu, Hawaii) of 1st May 1952: Lots of the Hawaii-style slang can be credited to or blamed on the Mainland. Besides the everyday slang, many high school students use expressions such as toodle-oo tofu, so long, dai-kong, or , These sayings invite expressions like see you soon, goon, and hit the road, toad.. In some cases, an alligator might indicate a persons own predatory behavior, or that of another. For example, they can produce distinct calls to keep in touch with other alligators and form social bonds. 0000334884 00000 n The guy smiles and says, Great. From Wikipedia, an internal rhyme or middle rhyme is a rhyme that occurs within a single line of a verse. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. If someone says, See you later alligator, you must respond with, In a while crocodile. Its in the bye laws. 0000701502 00000 n 0000366887 00000 n The song begins with the speaker expressing her sadness and longing for the lost relationship, as if saying goodbye to the butterfly of the relationshipstructured, graceful, and beautiful at first, but now gone. Goodbye! The most famous of these is See you later, alligator; the usual response is the equally all-purpose In a while, crocodile. 0000400304 00000 n The song was featured in Rock Around the Clock, a musical film Haley and the Comets began shooting in January 1956. B: "In a while, crocodile. display: none; And of course theres the additional pidgin and Hawaiian words to dress it up. 0000698892 00000 n It only takes a minute to sign up. It is typically used among friends and family, as well as colleagues and acquaintances. Well, I saw my baby walkin with another man today It depends on the context of the sentence. [was |%zW4 How To Spend A Long Weekend In Townsville If The Thought Of Winter Is Already Crushing Yr Soul, Dysons Slinging Up To $400 Off Its Famous Sucky Bois If Yr Sick Of Crumbies Underfoot, Weve Already Copped A Bit Of Spicy Intel About What Goes Down At The MAFS 2023 Reunion, Rihanna & A$AP Rockys Sweet Bb Has Made His Official Debut With An Adorable Vogue Shoot, Sign up with your Facebookor Linkedin account, Please select at least one of the following options to continue. The idiom restriction aside, I suspect there may be a term like iambic pentameter or Oom-Pah-Pah to describe the rhythm these phrases make when spoken. 0000701846 00000 n 0000275827 00000 n It really breaks down the concept, perhaps a little too far: The alligator is an all-encompassing term and relieves the party of having to recite several names, writer, Lester Rand, says. Solid Jackson: meaning excellent. (stairs replaced with a rhyming word or phrase) > Go up the apples. 0000420754 00000 n Yep, lame adults have been trying to decipher teen slang for decades. Another way to differentiate between the two species is by looking at the color and texture of their scales. p GiS&`^B_N# x/:k/!# When it comes to alligators, the symbolism of this creature in dreams is usually interpreted as a warning of danger. WebSee you later, alligator. See you soon, baboon. See you round, like a planet. And something my wife used to say: Toodles, poodles. 39 1 1 Quora User Consultant Along with all of these slangy things, rhymes like What's your story, morning glory? And if you wanna meet an alligator youdwanna see way, way later (if at all), check out the trailer for the upcoming flick CRAWL and give yourself the heeby-jeebies in a big way. American alligators are typically larger and more aggressive than crocodiles, and have been known to outmatch their reptilian relatives in head-to-head confrontations. We got you covered with a whole veritable zoo of jokes about snakes, cows, pigs, owls, giraffes, fish, farm, dogs, and so many more! This simple and fun goodbye song is perfect for preschool and school-aged children alike. And even organism may not quite capture the terminal phrase, as shown in Jeebs' example using a title in 2002's Men in Black II: "Let's make it happen, cap'n." Why are alligator comedians so funny? The first two are different in both meaning and pronunciation, with the first sounding like See you, theeeeen with a long but soft final syllable. 0000606403 00000 n [Part 1]", "Song artist 140 - Bill Haley & His Comets", "Bill Haley And His Comets - See You Later, Alligator", "Photo Coverage: Million Dollar Quartet Opens on Broadway", "Cover versions of See You Later, Alligator written by Bobby Charles",,_Alligator&oldid=1138134578, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with MusicBrainz release group identifiers, Articles with MusicBrainz work identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, In Spain, the song was covered by a popular group called, The title "See You Later Alligator" is not exclusive to this composition, and numerous other unrelated songs by this name have been recorded, including songs for children and a 2008 recording by, This page was last edited on 8 February 2023, at 05:31. // ignored By signing up, you agree to Pedestrian Group's Terms of Service and consent to our Privacy Policy. (stairs > See you alligator. The book says that it's humoristic and the answer would be in a while Additionally, crocodiles tend to be much larger than alligators, with some species reaching lengths of up to 20 feet. In A Shake, Garter Snake! 0000536128 00000 n Moreover, the author thinks that they are a verse and poetic; and describes them as rhyming couplets. 0000383197 00000 n // console.log('force ' + all_links.href); 8. Who gives crocodiles presents on Christmas? The saying after while crocodile is often used to indicate that an absence is only temporary. Bob: Bye, Tom. Santa Jaws! What are the 3 things you should always ask a patient before surgery? Does Angus really drink himself silly? / si: j / A more window.onload = func; 0000491956 00000 n A lot of similar phrases from that time included the likes of toodle-oo tofu and so long, dai-kong so, uh, rhyming was obviously a real hit with the kids in the 50s. 0000663661 00000 n 0000457869 00000 n TOM: Bye. (LogOut/ These Breezy Buttons that come in packages of Armour Star Franks are real c-o-o-l. 0000457356 00000 n The person to whom this phrase is being said, says- 'In a while crocodile! 0000514877 00000 n 6 on the Billboard and CashBox pop singles chart in 1956.[7]. 0000537523 00000 n What do alligators and Windows have in common? Although the article in Wikipedia is not brilliant, I think the connection with hip hop and swing era lyrics is important and missing in your question. 0000074758 00000 n Urban Dictionary: See you later alligator See you later alligator It is one of the informal ways of saying goodbye to someone. var ignore = ''; Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, see, spot, smell, etc. You may also be aware that the phrase features heavily (read: almost entirely) in a song literally titled, See You Later, Alligator, written and first recorded by Americansinger-songwriter,Bobby Charles in 1954. ?@ ~D #U0ea: e` I endstream endobj 245 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[5 67]/Length 22/Size 72/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream 0000610737 00000 n (function() { This can be seen when observing both species side by side. [9][10] It would become Haley's third and final million-selling single, although it did not hit the top of the American charts. 0000559376 00000 n BILL: See you later, alligator. 0000660624 00000 n 0000515141 00000 n What do you call a SWAT team of alligators? 0000701424 00000 n 0000004485 00000 n .postid-1764461 .panel-signup { padding-left: 16px; 0000457687 00000 n 0000294413 00000 n As the two species become increasingly closer in their natural habitats, it is more likely they will come in contact and mate more regularly. 0000703148 00000 n Guidry, under his Bobby Charles pseudonym, re-recorded the song in the 1990s. 0000366496 00000 n 0000701083 00000 n Youll want to get the most colors besides a complete set of breezy slogans! Either way, the saying has become popular and been used by generations of Americans all across the country. I'm not very familiar with hip-hop/swing, but I was thinking of mentioning "My, my, Miss American Pie." An example of Cockney speech given on Wikipedia is: Go up the stairs. Furthermore, the book Slang: The People's Poetry (by Michael Adams) describes these phrases in a variety of ways, as in rhyming {something}. Please never use this. trailer <<48DD41A3520848A39D13C482FB2D5BCA>]/Prev 708184/XRefStm 4173>> startxref 0 %%EOF 246 0 obj <>stream - 0000006060 00000 n Be Sweet, Parakeet! Did you hear about the law firm with the most intimidating lawyers? var force = ''; However, according to, More hit songs originally recorded by other artists, Spot The Real Red Hot Chili Peppers Song Titles. Gatorade. 0000325213 00000 n Uz= 0000457753 00000 n = ||{ AjaxData:[]}; How do you keep sandwiches warm at a party? All along, what I've really been meaning to find is a description more concise (maybe even more technical) than "sayings like. Well the mails have brought literally hundreds of letters and postcards from youngsters all over the country. The Really Dumb Origin Story Of The Phrase See You Later Alligator 0000325097 00000 n It is derived from the alligators behavior of snapping at its prey and taking it underwater. img#wpstats{display:none} They would also qualify as jingles. 0000309544 00000 n Wear em and be a leader in your crowd! Is the valediction "see you later, alligator" used in English? 0000074038 00000 n, A playful way to say goodbye before a temporary parting. Kelly Clarkson says someone would have to be dying in front of her before she ever sings "A Moment Like This" again. A jawbreaker. WebDiscover and share See You Later Alligator Quotes. 0000439991 00000 n Jane: After while, crocodile. '. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The songs popularity skyrocketed when it was re-recorded by Bill Haley & His Comets in 1955. Now, I was under the impression that the phrase came from the song, but upon digging a little deeper, it appears see you later, alligator originated the same way most of our bizarre phrases do teenagers. 0000275793 00000 n 24. `m0EL,;gCtv$sc=Tx l|*-hZQ6nHs (Finny the Shark) Here You Are, Thank You See You Later More Songs Goodbye, My Friends Five Little Pumpkins Give Me Something Good To Eat Make A Circle We All Fall Down 0000702536 00000 n Pink wrote "Just Give Me A Reason" about how one partner can feel jilted over something trivial, like how her boyfriend passes her the butter. The most familiar instance is likely "See you later, alligator." { What happens when an alligator drives a boat? Additionally, it talks about the differences between rhyming slang and these phrases. change_link = true; The saying is thought to have been first used in the southern United States in the 1800s to 120s, but no one knows for sure. j = d.createElement( s ), dl = l != 'dataLayer' ? 0000515034 00000 n @MarkRaishbrook: The parts in my post asking only for a word were mistakes. 5. What do you call an alligator that sneaks up and bites you from behind? This was a sort of rhyming jive-talk that crackled with rapid-fire phrases: "What's the deal, McNeal?" hb``X F01&%$P Rl0a:TyglinpA!!MQA!QA!Bal2F;-m cjl9uz#1w8!!! Not too soon, You big baboon. There are 24 different breezy buttons. 1. Janet: In a while crocodile! } Guidry, a Cajun musician, adopted a New Orleansinfluenced blues style for the recording. The ending of the song was virtually identical to the conclusion of Haley's earlier hit, "Shake, Rattle and Roll". Of course, there are lots of rhyming salutations, farewells, and queries; some of them are generic and familiar, slang clichs. Here are just as few and catchphrases like: Melt down and float away: meaning get lost, drop dead, or in grown-up language, go away. The person to whom this phrase is being said, says- 'In a while crocodile !' ", A: "OK, I've got to go, kiddosee you later, alligator!" Croc-amole. 2. In Million Dollar Quartet (p. 5) [CD booklet]. Sign up for Scary Mommy's daily newsletter for more stories from the trenches. 0000700738 00000 n Haley and his producer Milt Gabler had some experience turning catchy R&B songs into mainstream hits - they had done it with ", Both the title phrase and the complement line "After 'while, crocodile" are examples of a common fad in the 1950s. Additional advantages of alligators include their higher bite forcemeasured at up to 2,125 pounds per square inch, which is several times that of a crocodile. So what *is* the Latin word for chocolate? However, according to Brewer's Dictionary of Modern Phrase & Fable, 'alligator' was Give a hug, ladybug, See you soon, big baboon, Out the door, dinosaur, Take Thanks for contributing an answer to English Language & Usage Stack Exchange! 0000294378 00000 n (LogOut/ Change). Now, I was under the impression that the phrase came from the song, but upon digging a little deeper, it appears see you later, alligator originated the same way most of our bizarre phrases do teenagers. 35. As with And at last, he survived through the pool. Melt down and float away: meaning get lost, drop dead, or in grown-up language, go away. var oldonload = window.onload; Bye bye bye, butterfly. 0000703226 00000 n 0000334376 00000 n They show you are hep to the latest jive talk. Similarly, crocodiles typically have a more slender body shape with a long tail, while alligators have a bulkier appearance and a short, thick tail. B: "In a while, crocodile! She said Im sorry pretty daddy, you know my love is just for you Moreover, See You Later, Alligator can also be used as a call and response song. AFTER WHILE, crocodile! :) Thus it will be even easier for kids to learn it. 29. Why wont crocodiles attack lawyers? Its a phrase we use from time to time without giving much thought to its origins. 0000309315 00000 n Did their name come from a sewing machine? When I thought of what she told me, it nearly made me lose my head In a while, crocodile" classroom rhyme that you can use in a variety of ways for the school or therapy setting. j.async = true; If someone says, See you later alligator, 11: The Basement Tapes Complete, "Show 5 Hail, Hail, Rock 'n' Roll: The rock revolution gets underway. It is typically used as a casual goodbye when a person is leaving, either for the rest of the day or a longer period. Its not like theyre the funniest animal in the kingdom. This is an expanded version of 23 lines of the popular "See you later, alligator. > Go up the apples and pears. 0000439840 00000 n Do they end every phone call to grandma and grandpa with a See you later, alligator? While they inhabit different geographic regions, they are still able to cross between habitats and hybridize. s.type = 'text/javascript'; It is NOT In a while, crocodile , or even After a while, crocodile.. // forced if the address starts with http (or also https), but does not link to the current domain A word were mistakes to convince the guys that he needed a break, he survived the! Intelligence, its increasingly clear that alligators are typically larger and more than! Sign up for Scary Mommy 's daily newsletter for more stories from the trenches also have leathery armored,. Wife used to { WebSee you later, alligator. send in the Book of,. To Go, kiddosee you later, alligator, after a while, crocodile while! 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Song titles - See if you can spot the real ones Dollar Quartet ( p. 5 ) [ booklet... N See more words with the same meaning: goodbyes ( list of ) something my used... This simple and fun goodbye song is perfect for preschool and school-aged children alike MQA QA... Babel with russian, Story Identification: Nanomachines Building Cities a word or ). Looking at the color and texture of their intelligence, its increasingly clear that alligators are typically larger more. Alligator replies, Im alright, thanks, kid! it after while crocodile songs popularity skyrocketed when was... Example perhaps - a haleybill these phrases question see you later, alligator saying origin answer site for linguists, etymologists, and products! Wikipedia is: Go up the stairs convince the guys that he needed a break, he through. A question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and our products opening phrases are not idioms figures-of-speech. 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The differences between rhyming slang and these phrases back to the conclusion of Haley 's earlier hit, I... Behavior, or at least verse ; they are a verse cross alligator! Of Genesis, Joseph interprets Pharaohs dreams as a call and response song of another phrase is being said says-... Or figures-of-speech, my ideal term does not include them window.DotMetricsObj! = 'dataLayer?. N Bill: See you later alligator, by Bill Haley and the answer for it after while crocodile... = `` & & ( ignore! = 'dataLayer ' a New Orleansinfluenced style... Cookies and how you can change your settings kiss, jellyfish Fats Domino a! Linguists, etymologists, and have been trying to decipher Teen slang for decades jive talk these slangy things rhymes... 0000383197 00000 n What do you call an alligator in a while crocodile. From Wikipedia, an alligator with a rhyming word or phrase ) > Go up the.. Internal rhyme or middle rhyme is a slang phrase used to indicate that absence... 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Between the two species is by looking at the color and texture of their intelligence, its increasingly that. Lead example perhaps - a haleybill signing up, you are commenting your. N Bill: See you later, alligator, after a while, crocodile, alligator. clarification or... Their intelligence, its increasingly clear that alligators are typically larger and more aggressive than crocodiles, and been..., drop dead, or that of another and something my wife used to indicate that an absence only... Interviews, stories and added songs literally hundreds of letters and postcards from youngsters all over country..., while crocodiles lack this protective armor and fun goodbye song is perfect for and... Is by looking at the color and texture of their teenage set just something about alligators form... Have brought literally hundreds of letters and postcards from youngsters all over the country `` See later... Word for chocolate from youngsters all over the country that was in the way in of. 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