River Cartwright is a main character played by Jack Lowden in in Season 1 and Season 2 of Apple TV+ 's Slow Horses . English crime author Mick Herron didnt begin his writing career with the Slough House series, but theres no doubt these novels represent his most successful work. Slough House has been compromised, and now a new team of killers is in the UK. Nobody Walks is even set in the same espionage world as a retired spy digs in to his sons mysterious death. Taverner is dealing with intelligence and now Home Secretary Peter Judd MP regarding a large upcoming anti-capitalist protest in London. We soon discover that Lamb is playing a deception game and that River has instead brought the O.B. This, like Real Tigers, is one of the more action-packed adventures in the series, and one where several earlier plot lines are resolved to move the bigger story forwards. I dont think John Bachelor survived the last sentence of The Catch, did he? Partner had been selling secrets to the Russians. After spiraling following the death of Min, Louisa seemed to recover and gain her footing. Will Devon Welles get a promotion or will we see a new character take the job? The show begins with young MI5 agent River Cartwright amidst a terror-threat situation at the Stansted airport, where he has to follow an Asian male in his 20s and apprehend him before he sets off a fatal explosion. He alleges when stationed in East Berlin he overheard Popov demanding the cicada program remain funded after the fall of the Soviet Union. yes reading in order is key and just stack them up next to your bed and dont expect to move for 10 days. I listened to the audio version narrated by Andrew B Wehrlen and found it an utterly engaging tale. As the slow horses try to work out whats going on, they find themselves caught up in events outside their control and in the cross hairs of a ruthless enemy who doesnt care about collateral damage . So he gave Partner the gun to protect himself. Slovenly, rude, and apparently drunk most of the time. Spook secrets were dangerous to friends and foes alike, and the old man had made plenty of both down the years. A Russian oligarch is visiting London and elements of The Park want to turn him because a potential future Russian president who owes British Intelligence would be a massive coupe. Driving out of London, Zeppo and Larry reveal that they never intended to go through with killing Ahmed, and entertain the idea of releasing him, becoming increasingly concerned with Curly's erratic behaviour and rhetoric. So hed broken Ashleys arm and sent her back to Taverner, whose acid response was, You broke her, you own her. Back to Slough House she went. Thats not to say there isnt heartbreak. Get help and learn more about the design. . It has been a while since I read one but watching the first series on TV reminded me just how good these books are (and I do prefer them as books). Shortlisted for a number of prestigious awards including The CWA Steel and Gold Daggers, and The Theakston Old Peculiar Crime Novel of the Year Award.Buy now on Amazon, Claire Harper calls Slough House for help after her teenage son, Lucas, goes missing. Alex Tropper diverts her course, defusing the situation once the Glasshouse has been closed long enough for the heist. Her sometimes ally or enemy depending on which way the wind is blowing is Peter Judd, Tory politician and grandee. And true, River even tracked the remaining thug to a remote folly and had a real-life James Bond gunfight with him. I dunno. This might explain his loyalty to his team when they are in peril, and makes his otherwise rude and bullying behaviour towards them forgivable. edit descriptions of this character River Cartwright's photo gallery No photos have been uploaded yet. Shortlisted for the CWA Gold Dagger, Ian Fleming Steel Dagger and the Theakston Old Peculier Crime Novel of the Year Award.Buy now on Amazon. Eventually Lamb reveals that he's guilt-stricken because he gave Partner the gun that he used to shoot himself. Jackson Lamb is the head of Slough House and a former Joe, or field agent in Slough House slang. (He returns in Slough House, books fans.). Haunted office manager Catherine is seen attending AA meetings and is regularly taunted by Lamb about alcohol. The team, acting on the orders of Taverner, shoots the man dead even though he was unarmed and surrendering, to prevent any . Books with River Cartwright So I just read it all in one somewhat elongated gulp. Beyond the individual storylines exist a set of meta-plots, developing over the series as a whole, which again must be read in order. But it was Hassan who turned the goons against each other reducing their numbers to one and Hassan who finally knocked his captor out with a well-thrown rock. How is River handling patricide? And in the end, when offered the carrot of a return to Regent's Park, he betrayed Jackson Lamb by pretending he'd seen him talking to Alan Black before the kidnapping. Still, I am broken-hearted and may not be able to finish Bad Actors. Before we discuss the books in more detail, lets have a look at some of the main characters. At the height of the war on terror, a British subject is abducted by a terror cell and his beheading is to be streamed live on the internet, but the young man is a British Asian Muslim and the terror cell part of a far-right splinter group. On that subject. But I think hes got too old and too thin. Meanwhile, Claude Whelan, current First Desk, is caught between a weak PM and a populist MP flushed from a successful Brexit referendum. There are several novellas that introduce new characters and expand the Slough House world. In the dilapidated offices of Slough House, these files spooks spend their time on various pointless tasks, designed to break their will and bring about their resignations, avoiding the hassle, expense and bad publicity of employment tribunals. Against a background of Brexit, Novichok poisonings and Yellow Vest protests, the remaining slow horses are dealing with the recent violent loss of two associates. He rules his group with invective, coarseness and vituperation yet is protective as a mother hen when they are threatened. Get ready for some book spoilers that may affect future seasons of Slow Horses. Ambitious, backslapping government toff Peter Judd (Samuel West), aka 'PJ', is definitely not supposed to be identified with any Boris Johnsons who may or may not have been Foreign Secretary at the time Slow Horses was written. I agree. In the books, it's briefly revealed that a mistake during her time at Regent's Park HQ led to some guns ending up on the black market. River was there ostensibly because he messed up a training exercise at Stansted Airport that killed 149 hypothetical people. He tells River that in East Berlin Bough went AWOL and was assumed to have defected, but returned drunk. *Puts feet up on desk, lights ciggie, farts*. Lamb and his team are drawn into a complex and dangerous mess of Judd and Taverners making and, as usual, have to resolve things in their own inimitable style. Well, unless you count Ashley Khan. Based on the Seas o n 2 trailer that ran after Season 1 Episode 6 on Apple TV+, most of the key cast will be back, including Gary Oldman as Jackson Lamb, Jack Lowden as River Cartwright, Kristin . Those consigned there are known as "Slow Horses". [17], The second season also received critical acclaim. When River Cartwright was relegated to Slough House, he was too young to have developed the legendary skill set of which Jackson Lamb can boast. Humour is another a core ingredient of the series. Like the previous novels, it was shortlisted for a number of prestigious wards.Buy now on Amazon, A private funding deal, worked out in secret between Diana Taverner and Peter Judd, gives the Park the resources to strike back at Putin, sending a hit team into Russia to rub out the Novichok poisoners. These are such fun books that I have to drop everything and read them as soon as each one comes out. Below are some of the ones Im most interested in seeing addressed. (SH) Cartwright, River - Young, white, fair hair, grey eyes and a mole on his upper lip. I would also love to know whats happening with Sid as well as how River is dealing with his fathers death! Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Thanks to adept storytelling, readers are aware before Lamb (or is that impossible?) printed out and left in a dead drop in . Kill us? Cartwright, having copied the contents of Hobden's USB drive before delivering it to Regent's Park, realises it contains no information and manipulates a rival, James 'Spider' Webb, into confirming the same. Everyone enjoys an underdog story of course, but on top of that, the novels are about friendships forged from the common bond of disappointment but tested in life-and-death situations. The subject matter allows for some sophisticated satire and some notable current politicians are lampooned pseudonymously. Slough House is Mick Herrons seventh novel about his team of unloved, incompetent though often marvellously effective MI6 spies. Pick up a copy of. He was raised by his grandfather, David, a service legend, and grew up hearing stories of his time in the service. For me the perfect Jackson Lamb would be Timothy Spall. The rest of the team reconvene, and River recalls he took a photo of Taverner covertly meeting with Alan Black whilst carrying out surveillance training. Mick Herron. Both are excellent books and reviewed on our site. With a seasoned spy for a grandfather, his star in MI5 was expected to ascend into the stratosphere. Questions that we will likely get answered right away in Slough House . Hes overweight, frequently drunk and appears dishevelled, but many enemies make the mistake of underestimating him. Something is brewing at the Park, and Diana Taverner, First Desk, and enemy of Lamb from way back, is probably behind it. Someone more like Warren Clarke or Sidney Greenstreet is more in keeping with how he is portrayed. More interesting is the introduction of Desmond Flint and his Yellow Vest movement and the way that Judd is latching onto them. I'm totally invested in the world of the slow horses of Slough House since starting the series in 2017. However, she is soon reminded there is no such thing as a free lunch and we observe that there are no limits to Judds ambition. A handful of engaging spy thrillers followed before the author paused his novels to focus on journalism, although its also worth noting that he has freelanced. Pretty much everything extreme one can imagine happens, and it is a wild ride start to finish. I was delighted to receive the latest Slough House novel seventh in a series which is current, political, clever, witty and realistic. Herron does leave open the potential of a rescue (and I am really anxious to get the next book so that I can see how it plays out) but on past form, I cant say that Im hopeful. but it also leaves me in a quandary as I don't want to say anything that will give even the slightest spoilers for the delights between these covers so I'm just going to say that if you're not a Herron fan, do yourself a favour and start this series from the beginning; and if you are, you'll need no urging from me to get your hands on this as soon as you possibly can. Curly forces Larry and Hassan to a secluded woodland at gunpoint to carry out the beheading. Slow Horses, based on the first of Mick Herron's Slough House novels, follows the fortunes of a bunch of Security Service exiles under Gary Oldman's grotesquely seedy, unsupportive leader Jackson Lamb, as they attempt to untangle an ongoing act of domestic terrorism. From the latest Scandinavian serial killer to Golden Age detective stories, we love our crime novels! EXCERPT: The study remained like a showroom in a vacant property - books, chairs, curtains; the shelf with its odd collection of trophies: a glass globe, a hunk of concrete, a lump of metal that had been a Luger; the desk with its sheet of blotting paper, like something out of Dickens, and the letter opener, which was an actual stiletto, and had once belonged to Beria - and if David Cartwright had left secrets in his wake they'd be somewhere in that room, on those shelves, among a billion other words. Herron has provided another winning entry in what is becoming both a critical and commercial hit. Because I already know that lurking inside is an intricate plot wrapped around plenty of wit & humour. And like Ashley, most readers will rush a third of the way into the book, at least, before confirming that almost all the machinations taking place have Jackson Lamb behind them. Regents Park has lost three cold bodies identities or legends in the trade worked up by the civil service from birth to provide rock-solid cover cover for a Joe in the field. Catherine Standish 17 episodes, 2022-2023 Chris Reilly . Perhaps COVID-19 will make an appearance in next years novel. Lamb informs her there is a bomb in the car he returned, which allows Cartwright to sneak in whilst Duffy's security team investigates. In the aftermath, a dead body in the elder Cartwright's home is identified by Jackson Lamb as being that of River Cartwright. No wonder Jackson Lambs crew are feeling paranoid. Blue shirt. Part of the popularity of the series lies in the fact these books simply make you feel good. But Bad Actors, eighth in the series, has no connection to performance, despite the title that might immediately pop a stage into the back of an American readers mind. Leaving her house the two are apprehended by James Webb and head of security Nick Duffy, who force them into a car after searching Lamb. Meanwhile, still reeling from recent losses, the slow horses are worried theyve been pushed further into the cold. Required fields are marked *. Herron IS brutal to his characters and their fans. And given that the devil in question is arch-manipulator Peter Judd, she could be about to lose control of everything shes fought for. Better Call Saul ending What happened to Saul? Herron grounds his novels around notable real-life events for satirical purposes, and this time he concocts a story around Brexit, the Yellow Vest protests and the Russian Novichok assassinations. Over the course of the Slough House series, there have been a number of plot threads that have been left open for future stories. Herron uses the plot to make some biting comments about the use of private money in security operations and the importance of standing up to bullies. So they all get to stay put at Slough House, no prizes, no pats on the back, just a dismal career under Jackson Lamb's nicotine-stained thumb. Hes also ruthlessly effective. When I receive the latest in this series, there is zero chance its going to sit there patiently waiting its turn. One of them has been used to commit a terrorist atrocity in a London shopping centre. This novel is a series highlight for me, and went on to win the CWA Ian Fleming Steel Dagger Award as well as being shortlisted for the CWA Gold Dagger Award, The British Book Awards and The Theakston Old Peculier Crime Novel of the Year Award.Buy now on Amazon, A North Korean hit squad is conducting a terror operation on British soil, and one particular fly in the ointment is that the plan they are working to is one of the Parks own. These stories about a disparate group of underdogs coming together to beat the odds (and beat The Man) have struck a chord with readers. Jackson Lamb investigates, finding Bough's hidden phone under the seat with the message cicada, and gets the team to look deeper. I also really wanted to see Rivers mum make an appearance and will feel cheated if its just at his funeral. Lamb instead leaves Katinsky with one bullet left in his revolver, and Katinsky kills himself. The significance of her connection to Black wasn't obvious to him, of course, because he didn't know Black from any other random thug, but she knew that the connection was something she needed to bury. I also think that Louisa has really stepped up to be MVP in terms of spy ability so it would be good to see her continue to move front and centre, especially as there will doubtless be some kind of additional call back to those diamonds and her affair with Min. I love this series, but it does require starting at the beginning. It is also revealed that Standish narrowly escaped a treason charge through her links with Partner and his death. Cant think of any current heavy actors. Curly and River engage in a brief shootout, before he is knocked out by Hassan with a rock. Cokehead Shirley Dander's been send to a sanitarium to dry out; narcissist Roddy Ho is creating avatar girlfriends for himself as a distraction; River Cartwright, the most potentially sane of the Slough House discards, isn't even around, presumed dead or permanently missing. He tried to leverage his former acquaintance with Judd into calling off the kidnapping because Judd, it turns out, has a secret, extremist past and connections to the Sons of Albion's financial backer. He never gifts them glory, barely grants them a tolerable existence and never hesitates to kill one or two of them off if the plot requires it. Im skeptical. Theyre looking to pick off the slow horses one by one.Buy now on Amazon, Bad Actors takes a look at Brexit and the government advisor who engineered it. While she obsesses on punishing Lamb, the team is actually in crisis mode. My reason for four stars is the "blankety blank" cliffhanger ending. Judd is delivering a speech in the City of London on the day of the anti-capitalist protest. Bye, Struan. (Had to listen 4-5 times to audiobook last chapters of novel previous to this one. River Cartwright, is away in Kent, mourning the death of the OB, short for the Old Bastard who was Cartwright's grandfather, surrogate father and was a service legend. She was in comms at The Park before she laid out a co-worker, and also has addiction issues. Im also worried about one or more Slow Horses dying in the next installment (my fingers are crossed so hard that it wont be River), but Louisas mourning Min/her continued engagement with his family gives me hope that even if we lose another Slow Horse or two, theyll be remembered. Slough House is his reward for taking care of Charles Partner for MI5. . Believing he was targeted also, Lamb investigates Rebecca, the driver, and discovers she has connections to Russia and previously lived in Vladivostok. Set in 1950s Finland, during the Cold War, the books tell the story of a young police woman and budding detective who cuts against the grain when, John Fullertons powerful 1996 debut The Monkey House was set in war-torn Sarajevo and was right in the moment. Any trail his dead grandfather had left, no one was going to follow but him. I would pine for it. The group have links to a disgraced journalist that Slough House have been investigating. (SH) Cartwright, Isobel - River's mother. But there may be a flavor of wicked humor remaining in what one does afterwardalong with great satisfaction at what Lamb and the Slow Horses pull out of their grubby, out-of-fashion hats. Rotten Tomatoes reports a 100% approval rating with an average rating of 8.4/10, based on 25 critic reviews. Constant budget constraints have left the Park unable to respond to Russian provocation. As we know, however, Freddie Fox's "Spider" Webb had fed him false information, and River is, in fact, a highly competent, if over-eager agent. Ho traces the number, which places the phone in Estonia. But in the end, he takes the high road and lies to him, saying that according to his grandfather, Ho was just so awesome that he was making everyone else look bad, so had to be disposed of. Danders character arc, for example, can only really be seen through the prism of her developing friendship with Longridge. In this case, it's learning the truth to a story Dornan has found in her precious archives. The only downside is that I'm at the end of available books in the series (again). Sparrows ambition doesnt end there though. What would be the point?. Their boss, Jackson Lamb is still keeping his team busy with pointless and unproductive assignments: following up social media absconders (#gonequiet), failures to pay fines or potential safe-houses for non-friendlies. He talks to a team which guides him, telling him to look for an Asian male. The 7th in Mick Herrons SLOUGH HOUSE SERIES is another fast-paced, action packed spy thriller that adds biting satire to the temperature of the nation. This is yet another winning book from the series featuring the "slow horses" of Britain's intelligence world. River Cartwright, one such "slow horse," is bitter about his failure and about his tedious assignment transcribing cell phone conversations. Against a background of Brexit, Novichok poisonings and Yellow Vest protests, the remaining slow horses are dealing with the recent violent loss of two associates. True, Ho and Standish managed to retroactively track the movements of Alan Black's alias and locate the van he had hired for the kidnapping. Jackson Lambs Slough House crew are still coming to terms with the events in Wales that saw the death of ex-Dog Emma Flyte and their own J K Coe but they also have a more serious problem to deal with: Roderick Roddy Ho has discovered that someone in the Park has wiped their records from the Service database. This season is based on the second of the best-selling Slough House novels by Mick Herron, Dead Lions, and once again stars the dynamic duo of Gary Oldman and Jack Lowden as Jackson Lamb and River . Joy is unbridled when each new book is announced. Nick Duffy 14 episodes, 2022-2023 Theyre still getting paid but no longer formally exist and things get more sinister when Louisa Guy discovers that someone from the Service is trailing her and the other slow horses find that they are also being followed. Lucas had seen something he shouldnt have whilst working a holiday job and his attempt at exploiting the situation is having profound consequences. The only clue he finds is an undelivered text Cicadas. Its not universally true no-one likes the character Roddy Ho, for example but River Cartwright and Catherine Standish form a bond, as do Louisa Guy and Min Harper, and Shirley Dander and Marcus Longridge. Notable other characters appearing in more than one season include: Notable other characters appearing in Season 1 - Slow Horses include: Notable other characters appearing in Season 2 - Dead Lions include: After making a serious mistake during a live training exercise at Stansted Airport, MI5 agent River Cartwright is demoted to dead end work at Slough House in lieu of being fired. The wise move would be to find a safe place and wait for the troubles to pass. The way Herron skewers Boris Johnson through Judd (especially through his speeches) is just beautifully done but he also does well at showing the artifice and the naked desire for power, whatever it takes. Another semi-c0mpetent agent, Louisa is a little more able than most of Slough House's denizens. Herron also makes some sharp digs about the role of the media in shaping the political agenda courtesy of newcomer Damien Cantor whose only loyalty is to his own power and wealth. to Catherine Standish for safekeeping while he follows a lead to France to discover the source behind the attacks. River Cartwright, the protagonist of the novel, was going places. The title track "Strange Game" was performed by Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger, who wrote the song exclusively for the show[15] together with the shows composer Daniel Pemberton. I mean, look at us. Theyre not allowed anywhere near MI5 HQ, which is referred to as Regents Park although the organisation is no longer based there. All in all and nitpicks aside, I thought this was a great read in a series where theres been no let up in quality and I genuinely cannot wait to see what Herron does next with these characters. If that was happening, River needed to stop it. Meanwhile Diana Lady Di Taverner has decided to strike back at Russian secret services on their home soil in retaliation for the Novichok poisoning attack in Salisbury. A year after a calamitous blunder by the Russian secret service left a British citizen dead from Novichok poisoning, Diana Taverner is on the warpath. It turns out that the British term bad actor means a person whos done things that are harmful, illegal, or immoral. Only the intervention of his MI5-legend. Still with much unfinished business and exiled to the hinterlands of Slough House, the very well-connected River Cartwright (Jack Lowden) received some seasoned advice from his Jonathan Pryce. The devils in this case are Peter Judd, a thinly veiled Boris Johnson, and young, wealthy new tech and online Channel Go media owner, Damien Cantor, looking to outwit and own Diana, who frankly admits to the corpulent and flatulent Jackson Lamb that she has made an error. "[18] On Metacritic, the season has a weighted average score of 84 out of 100 based on 10 critics, indicating "universal acclaim". I listened to the audio version narrated by Andrew B Wehrlen and found it an utterly engaging tale. B. Lamb, already aware of this, had notified David Cartwright that he was another potential target due to his complicity in Partner's death. Love Herons London, his wit, capability with language and how skillfully characters and plots are crafted. River bribes a taxi driver in Stroud, who reveals he drove Chernitsky to an airfield and flying club in Upshott, but was instructed to lie about it and call a number should people come looking. What the Slow Horses did manage to do was foil Di Taverner's plan to mop up her mess by executing the remaining kidnapper. Jackson Lamb wasnt demoted to Slough House he was given the post, at his request, after Charles Partner died. Diana Taverner 18 episodes, 2022-2023 Saskia Reeves . River discovers the bomb left at the airfield and realizes the attack was a hoax, calling Taverner to have the Code September retracted. She was announced as having died, but Roddy Ho inferred from her sudden online invisibility that she had been 'disappeared'. That means Slough House would normally be a safe book for the characters. Hoped my favorite character would return. It also lays the ground for the events of Joe Country, and at the same time introduces a series villain, ex-CIA operative Frank Harkness. Tamsin Topolski as Kelly Tropper, a pub barmaid in Upshott and the daughter of Alex and Duncan. And will Herron reveal this fact early in the book or leave us hanging throughout? [9] The cast was rounded out in December 2020 with the additions of Olivia Cooke, Jonathan Pryce, Kristin Scott Thomas and Jack Lowden. Filming of the first season began on 30 November 2020, in England, and continued into February 2021, with Gary Oldman and Kristin Scott Thomas spotted on set in Westminster, London. Change). His deft and sympathetic characterisation affords the reader a connection with the slow horses (the Parks nickname for their castoffs) which grows with every triumph, every obstacle overcome, and their losses are felt keenly. He can handle Lambs temperament but he isnt who I see when I read the books. The writing is so good, you feel every sentence has been worked on to get the best out of it. They had their own neo-Nazi reasons for doing this but it turned out that the plot was initiated by MI5 Second Desk "Lady" Di Taverner (Kristin Scott-Thomas) as a false-flag operation to earn her Brownie points in her boss' absence. For River Cartwright, however, all of this plays second fiddle to the fact that not only is Sidonie Sid Baker still alive, but shes turned up at his dead grandfathers house in Kent because she needs his help. Life in Slough House is defined by drudgery. Just get ready for a jaw-dropping development at the start - and a poignant ending. Newcomer Marcus Longridge replaces Min on the Pashkin assignment, and confesses to Louisa he has a gambling addiction. Plus it would be interesting if the focus moved onto Louisa who has never really reckoned with taking those diamonds and who is also quietly competent at the back. Spook Street is one of the darker novels and what little comic relief there is, is provided by Roddy Ho getting a girlfriend, a plot thread which is pulled in the follow up novel, London Rules. Slough House is the one you want to find out about River. The doctor will see you now Victoria Selman, Fans of realistic spy fiction will enjoy David McCloskeys debut thriller Damascus Station, newly available in paperback in the UK. River Cartwright aliases River Cartwright MI-5 agent in London, in his early 30s; grandson of MI-5 legend David Cartwright. And not just one cliff either; each thread I wanted wrapped up just stops. David discusses the cicada theory of Russian sleeper agents embedded in British society, which MI5 dismissed as a hoax after no sleepers were found and discovered that the programs alleged mastermind, Alexander Popov, did not exist. Taverner has her own problems to occupy her. I know you dont want spoilers so I wont name the character but I feel Herron has made a big mistake re their demise as the character had really become the moral center of the series, much more than Jackson Lamb. British term Bad actor means a person whos done things that are harmful illegal... 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On desk, lights ciggie, farts * what the Slow Horses are worried theyve been pushed further the! Feel good more interesting is the one you want to find a safe book for troubles. A story Dornan has found in her precious archives Louisa seemed to recover gain..., rude, and now Home Secretary Peter Judd, she could be about to lose control of everything fought..., fair hair, grey eyes and a poignant ending happening, River tracked! Herron is brutal to his characters and plots are crafted books simply make you good...