Montana voters rejected a proposal that would have required medical interventions to save those that the state defines as born alive infants. Only seven people have held Senate seats since Hawaii became a state in 1959. . [50] Because none of the nonpartisan candidates for governor or lieutenant governor met that threshold, no nonpartisan candidates for governor or lieutenant governor advanced to the general election. Only 4% of Republican voters do not recognize his name, according to the Hawaii Poll, compared with 12% of Republicans who do not recognize Aionas name. Guns were perhaps the biggest issue in the race, with both Ms. Tokuda and Mr. Branco endorsing an assault weapons ban, a minimum age of 21 to buy firearms, and other steps that would go well beyond the bipartisan gun bill Congress passed in June. His approval ratings are much wider, but still dominant, among ethnic groups: 77% from Japanese; 71% from Hawaiians; 62% from Mixed/Other; and 58% from whites. One of the tightest governors races in the country is between Gov. Maximum of 2 consecutive full terms. Governor Republican Primary. , Vicente Gonzalez, Democrat, wins re-election to the U.S. House to represent Texas 34th Congressional District. Tonight: follow live results and our forecast from Georgia as the final Senate seat in the 2022 midterm elections is decided. We value on-the-ground sourcing above everything else. Only 7% said they did not recognize Greens name, compared to 11% for Caldwell and 35% for Cayetano, suggesting she has to remind voters of who she is. To learn more about how election results work, read this article. His approval rating fell below 50% only once, when Republican poll respondents gave him an approval rating of 47% on his handling of COVID-19. Democrats launched a late ad campaign hitting Republican Eric Aadland, who is seeking to become first alphabetically in congressional history by last name. Republican Kari Lake is asking the Arizona Supreme Court to review her challenge of her loss to Democrat Katie Hobbs in the 2022 governor's race. Mail ballots are due by the close of polls on August 13. Because Alaska uses ranked choice voting, we may not know the winner until Nov. 23. John Fetterman has been locked in a bitter contest against Mehmet Oz, the Republican celebrity doctor. Source: Election results and race calls are from The Associated Press. Print subscriber but without online access? Hawaii Governor: Lt. Gov. State officials will first publish the results of all mail ballots that were received before Election Day. The Timess election results pages are produced by Michael Andre, Aliza Aufrichtig, Neil Berg, Matthew Bloch, Vronique Brossier, Sean Catangui, Andrew Chavez, Nate Cohn, Alastair Coote, Annie Daniel, Asmaa Elkeurti, Tiffany Fehr, Andrew Fischer, Will Houp, Josh Katz, Aaron Krolik, Jasmine C. Lee, Rebecca Lieberman, Ilana Marcus, Jaymin Patel, Rachel Shorey, Charlie Smart, Umi Syam, Urvashi Uberoy, Isaac White and Christine Zhang. Eight of those counties that voted for Biden in 2020 shifted 16 points to the right in the race for governor, and 12 points in the Senate race. Kathy Hochul claimed victory late Tuesday against Representative Lee Zeldin, a conservative Republican. Source: Election results and race calls from The Associated Press. Registered Democratic voters continue to give Lt. Gov. Heres where we think votes remain. Hawaii is one of the nation's most reliably blue states, with Democrats dominating federal and . Nov. 9, 2022, Democratic House candidates outperformed Biden in several Michigan districts, bucking a rightward trend and maintaining seven of their seats. Our average includes all candidates that FiveThirtyEight considers major. Candidates with insufficient polling data are not displayed in the averages. Heres where we think votes remain. James 'Duke' Aiona files papers to run for governor", "Vote Gary Cordery for Governor - Gary Cordery For Governor", "Hawaii veteran joins governor's race on Republican ticket", "Paul Morgan To Officially Announce His Candidacy for Hawai'i Governor", "Wanting to eliminate mandates, UFC fighter BJ Penn eyes run for governor", "City Councilmember Heidi Tsuneyoshi announces run for governor", "Businessman's potential gubernatorial run could shake up general election race", "City Council Member Andria Tupola Will Not Run for Governor Next Year", "Hawaii police union endorses Aiona for governor", "NONPARTISAN CANDIDATES IN PARTISAN CONTESTS", "Elections Daily Unveils Final 2022 Midterm Ratings", "Josh Green's Ratings and Endorsements - Vote Smart", "GENERAL ELECTION 2022 - Statewide - November 8, 2022", "GENERAL ELECTION 2022 - County of Hawaii - November 8, 2022", "GENERAL ELECTION 2022 - City and County of Honolulu - November 8, 2022", "GENERAL ELECTION 2022 - County of Kauai - November 8, 2022", "GENERAL ELECTION 2022 - County of Maui - November 8, 2022",, Richard Kim, dentist, musician, and candidate for governor in 2018. I care about people. Vance in the returns, but almost all of the results are early votes, which we expect to disproportionately favor Democrats. !function(){"use strict";window.addEventListener("message",(function(e){if(void 0!["datawrapper-height"]){var t=document.querySelectorAll("iframe");for(var a in["datawrapper-height"])for(var r=0;r