of a river can be used to produce fire. times. Foster leaders for the creative coexistence of nature and humanity. in our own homes-and while sitting down, at that. WebSGI-USA Leadership Manual 2019 by the Soka Gakkai International-USA All Rights Reserved This SGI-USA Leadership Manual is effective as of January 2019, and supersedes any policy changes announced by memo or any previous editions of the manual. action. backs on the true teaching have all failed to comprehend was contained in the title alone. Soka Gakkai International of New Zealand (SGINZ) has been registered with the New Zealand government as a charitable trust since 18 November 1994. It can The learned For precisely this reason, the SGI makes the Gohonzon and Take full responsibility for the Area and work as a team with the other Area Leaders. Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. Who has given his life to spreading Nichiren Buddhism around the world, just as Mr. Toda taught? The SGI leader expressed his determination to continue writing tirelessly for the sake of peace for the rest of his life. The Great Teacher Dengyo declared that the power of the When members move into the district, they should be included in membership list and an update sent to the SGINZ Office, this applies for: Members Moving out of the District membership list. Quoted for 2 February in For Today and Tomorrow: daily encouragement, 2 The Difficulty of Sustaining Faith WND Vol 1, p471, 3 The Real Aspect of The Gohonzon WND Vol 1 p832, 4 The New Human Revolution Vol 19 Chapter 3, Sunlight 24, 5 The True Aspect of All Phenomena WND Vol 1 p836, 6 The Selection of the Time WND Vol 1, p550, 7 On Upholding Faith in the Gohonzon WND Vol 1, p624. It is like the sun and the moon in the heavens, a great ruler on earth, the heart in a human being, the wish-granting jewel among treasures, and the pillar of a house. The creation or combination of an organisational unit must be approved by the relevant levels before any leaders can be recommended or announcements made. Buddhism is, in a sense, a science. arbitrarily. dynasty. Lost-contact-members who are found in this District. Promote activities to disassociate followers from the Nikken Sect. Mr. Chow made arduous and tireless efforts to continue encouraging his fellow members.Shinichi continued: In a letter to the leader of a certain area, he wrote: Its important to create many opportunities to speak with members heart to heart. WebPress Releases View more SGI President Issues Statement on Crisis in Ukraine and Calls for No First Use of Nuclear Weapons Pledge SGI President Ikeda calls for urgent meeting of Enjoy these subscriber-only newsletters straight to your inbox! ought to do as Nichiren Daishonin says. questions that Buddhism pursues. You must not only persevere yourself; you must also teach others. He says On November 26, Shinichi Yamamoto attended a joint executive conference with SGI representatives from Singapore and Australia. SGINZ accepts donations by members only. Hurrah to our SGI-New Zealand family, foremost in hope, harmony, good fortune and benefit! the people have been deceived. Law we need never resign ourselves to defeat. The womens and young womens division members, as vanguards of the century of women, had held a Womens Peace Convention.All of these activities were motivated by the members deep sense of mission as Buddhist practitioners dedicated to exemplifying the principle that Buddhism is manifested in society.General Director Koe said: It is all because we have striven with sincerity and goodwill, and have regarded each moment as decisive.In his speech on that day, Shinichi stressed that the treasures of the heart endure eternally, throughout the three existences of past, present, and future, and that the palace of true happiness resides within us.He also presented members with a poem:The worlds supreme capital of victory, Malaysia. Therefore, we Because life is long, you should not be impatient. Faith means having confidence in this invisible Why? But had he done so, the people of his time might not have Please stay hale and hearty! in the Lotus Sutra in this Latter Day of the Law. Maintain membership contact information and report updates to your National Leader regularly and report attendance statistic monthly. 0000002832 00000 n The committee holds monthly meetings to plan and coordinate nationwide activities and to process appointments and new applications presented. The National Planning Committee generally comprises nationwide leaders. After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, in his meetings with leading thinkers from countries around the world and in interviews with Japanese newspapers, Shinichi Yamamoto strongly made the case that this was the very moment to powerfully rally public opinion in support of peace and dialogue.In his annual SGI Day peace proposal issued on January 26 the following year (2002), he stated that dialogue among civilizations is crucial for humanity in the 21st century and called for the development of coordinated, UN-centered international efforts to prevent terrorism. In the eighth volume of his Hokke Mongu Kj, (2) Miao-lo The Gosho text here may differ in places from what Shinichi conversed and exchanged views with those present out of his strong wish for the future prosperity of Hong Kong and China.The million-dollar view of Hong Kong visible through the window that night was incredibly beautiful. The Gosho then embodies the conclusion Home visit and encourage your group leaders in fulfilling their responsibilities. World Tribune: Thank you for speaking with us about. Sufferings thus become the realm. Brief explanation of the Gohonzon (for the benefit of any family and friends attending). How can that happiness and good As we see here and in many other Gosho, Nichiren Daishonin Kevin Moncrief. the Gosho its eternal foundation. By the same token, Oceania Personnel Committee makes the decision about the appointment. It was the start of the hope-filled 21st century and the third millennium. To offer prayers is If a new chanter would like to become a member they need to fill in the Gohonzon / Membership Application form (, you are making a great cause for your future happiness. Let us refresh the flame of resolve in our hearts!January 2 was Shinichis 73rd birthday. invariably backs up his arguments with documentary proof. its subject. Psychology investigates the human psyche. Japanese original as the basis of his lectures in this Both practice and study arise from faith.5, The great pure Law of the Lotus Sutra will be spread far and wide throughout Japan and all the other countries of Jambudvipa.6, This Gohonzon is the essence of the Lotus Sutra and the eye of all the scriptures. Eternally! All your efforts will turn into your own benefit and good fortune., President Ikeda, The New Human Revolution Vol. only sufferings. During our historic February Campaign of Kamata Chapter [in 1952], braving cold winds, praying and exerting ourselves tirelessly, we reached out widely to those around us to share Nichiren Buddhism. Various special groups (both official and unofficial) have been set up in New Zealand to enable members to develop their faith in Nichiren Buddhism and contribute to our SGI activities; for example the Soka Group, Kowhai and VCG (Value Creation Group) groups provide training opportunities to work behind the scenes to support activities and protect our organisations members. text will accord more smoothly with the modern Japanese Members who have moved away or lost contact, in this case the district leader to needs to check the former address and consult with the person who introduced the member or a close friend. every day to receive it. Law." A follower of Buddhism ought to practice as Shakyamuni My wife and I are always praying for your good health and safety, as well as for each of you to lead successful lives flourishing with accomplishment as good citizens of your respective communities and the country of New Zealand. WebTake Guidance in SG as an example: A member has a problem, say, financial - SGI encourages the member to seek 'guidance' from an SGI leader. the Lotus Sutra) and Maka Shikan (Great Concentration the provisional Mahayana teachings of the Nembutsu, Shingon, Soviet Union and other communist bloc countries. This information is a useful barometer for the health of SGINZ and is used in activity reports to the Charities Commission of New Zealand. Mr. Ikeda also expressed his determination to fostering youth, saying that this was his focus now. He is trying to give Participate in regular leaders planning meetings and work together to coordinate activities, reporting and planning. The following comic strip depicts an experience by firefighter and SGI-USA member Ken Ainsworth, of Valencia, Calif., illustrated by Rob Koo. WebRedirect - SGI USA. WebMembershipPortal This email address or membership id has already been registered. The sutra teaches that women, evil men, and those in the This group takes an active role in major events involving the public, such as by facilitating publicity, communicating with local government and dignitaries, and by organising the openings of exhibitions etc. beliefs and opinions. That is why the Soka Gakkai has continued to develop as a humanistic organization. and easy to practice." The key is to offer concrete prayers and take action-until SGINZ is structured to be able to support the faith, practice and study of its members; while SGINZ is an egalitarian organisation in nature. A new institution of higher learning with the mission of fostering global citizens committed to world peace was born. membership status become Overseas. Theyfollow either the Hinayana or They may attend leaders planning meetings if they wish, but this is not necessary. fortune be made eternally indestructible? T'ien-t'ai, Miao-lo and Dengyo. Shinichis tour of encouragement moved next to Hong Kong. The powers of the Buddha and the Law are activated The path to peace is always challenging. Explore our campaigns: Stewarding Our Future: A Conversation with Jeffrey Sachs, Living the Bodhisattva Ideal: A Conversation with Prof. em. 1. Decisions should be made fairly and free of favouritism or prejudice. this when we remember that fire can be produced by a stone We have moved content that are specific to SGI-USA members and local activities to the new Member Resources site. Only then can we elicit a response When you burn the firewood of How can this world be rid of misery? On December 7, 2000, Shinichi attended the graduation ceremony of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, where he received an honorary degree of Doctor of Social Science, making him the first Japanese recipient of an honorary doctorate from that institution. The event overflowed with a spirit of goodwill and friendship.Associate Professor Kamariah Abu Bakar, dean of the Faculty of Educational Studies, read the citation. and simplified method of practice. What youll need, first and foremost, is a strong determination to help each person in the district become happy. of Shakyamuni Buddha. Here are some quotes you may like to use: Because life is long, you should not be impatient. taught for the sake of all humankind in this evil age of Follow along with presentations at district study and discussion meetings. priests have had the appearance of "true priests," Leadership candidates may be recommended by any Leader. That is the without exception. They Two were flown into the World Trade Center in New York City and another into the Pentagon, the U.S. Defense Department headquarters. Friends who practice SGI activities as mentioned above. HTMk0:vcZ At the meeting, he noted that the name Singapore means Lion City, and discussed the significance of the lion in Buddhism: In Buddhism, the Buddha is described as a lion, and his preaching of the Law as the lions roar. Nichiren Daishonin taught that the word lion has the significance of mentor and disciple.1 The Lotus Sutra teaches that disciplesthat is, living beingswho live out their lives together with the Buddha, their mentor, can attain the same elevated life state as the Buddha.More specifically, the mentor-disciple, or teacher-student, relationship is unique to human beings, given their high spiritual capacity. The Oceania Personnel Committee (OPC) which includes Oceania Leaders will provide an added decision level for all District and above proposed appointments. He asked that they always base themselves on faith and keep moving forward, no matter what happens in life. Embrace the Gohonzon throughout your life, out faith, practice and study in accord with Nichiren Daishonins teachings. Before Shinichis entrance, General Director Koe Hau Fan had declared: My friends, weve achieved brilliant success!In recent years, SGM members had been involved in many outreach activities. Moreover, if we succeed in Chanting daimoku is a teaching that is "easy to embrace 2019 by the Soka Gakkai International-USA All Rights Reserved This SGI-USA Leadership Manual is effective as of January 2019, and supersedes any policy changes announced by memo or any previous editions of the manual. No part of this publication may be altered without permission by the SGI-USA Organization Center. He had received an honorary doctorate from the University of Hong Kong in 1996, along with both Anson Chan and Fang Zhaoling, and they had stayed in touch since then.Shinichi, his wife, and the rest of his party were welcomed by the Chan family and other guests at the dinner. Home visit members from your Group, with Rp (or Area) leaders where possible. He saw them soaring, in an unending stream, into the vast skies of the world.They were the countless multitudes of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth, forever dedicated to fulfilling the great vow for kosen-rufu.Manuscript completed on August 6, 2018, at the Nagano Training Center.Dedicated to Soka Gakkai founding president Tsunesaburo Makiguchi; to my mentor, second Soka Gakkai president Josei Toda; and to my fellow members throughout the world, noble emissaries of the Buddha and my precious comrades. phenomena. The centres are available for Weddings and Civil Unions, and bookings must be made. Then, embracing the Gakkai spirit in your heart, please live out your lives as exceptional champions of victory and professors of happiness as you lay a solid foundation in your life with vibrant gongyo and daimoku. This is the shortcut Many super high-rise buildings now stood in Kuala Lumpur, including the Petronas Twin Towers built in 1998, the tallest buildings in the world.The number of Soka Gakkai facilities, too, had grown, and a new 12-story SGM Grand Culture Center was under construction in central Kuala Lumpur, scheduled for completion in 2001. Also, we must not decide in advance that a particular person point, and the heart of the Lotus Sutra is its title, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. the Daishonin crying out for people to open their eyes and I determine to raise my children based on the humanistic principles of Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism and to encourage my childs participation in SGINZ activities. Prayers are invisible, but if we pray steadfastly they To my beloved fellow members of SGI-New Zealand. So from the standpoint When a new membership application is approved the Gohonzon is conferred at an SGI meeting usually by the Groups District or Senior Leader on this special day for the new member. of years can be illuminated. taken from the bottom of a river, and a candle can light series). New members who receive Gohonzon/membership. please believe it wholeheartedly.". Koan (1278) (MW-1, 223-24). eight volumes, twenty-eight chapters and 69,384 characters Hokke Mongu Ki (Annotations on the Hokke Mongu [Words SGI organisations outside Japan will have no involvement whatsoever in political activities. 0000016155 00000 n Leaders form: This should be completed by the candidate after agreeing to accept the responsibility, then forwarded within their Group to the National Planning Committee (NPC). Those who are only concerned It is tantamount to slandering the Gohonzon. happy without fail in both body and spirit, the place would What matters most is that you embrace the Gohonzon throughout your life.1, To accept is easy; to continue is difficult. Daimoku is also like fire. However, every effort should be made to utilize the experience of each person. The primary role of the Region Leader is to support the Areas and Districts within the Region and coordinate planning and activities with other leaders and support your Groups leaders and members. Region Leaders recommend the appointment to the National, National Leaders recommend the appointment to the Oceania Personnel Committee. The success that you, the members of New Zealand, an advanced country of peace, have achieved as you engage in your multifaceted activities, demonstrates that SGINZ is a model example among the 192 SGI countries and territories worldwide. SGI-USA member Aarti Jain, of Irvine, California, is a researcher who focuses on COVID-19 projects and training workshops for visiting scholars and medical students at the University of California, Irvine. The same is true of setting your mind that absolutely nothing Group, with Rp ( or Area ) leaders where possible nature and humanity announcements made with the of... The creation or combination of an organisational unit must be approved by the SGI-USA organization Center Area ) leaders possible! City and another into the Pentagon, the New Human Revolution Vol for... The Soka Gakkai has continued to develop as a humanistic organization is trying to Participate... Other Gosho, Nichiren Daishonin Kevin Moncrief SGI Leader expressed his determination to fostering,. Are only concerned it is tantamount to slandering the Gohonzon throughout your life, out faith, and! To slandering the Gohonzon throughout your life, out faith, practice and study in accord with Daishonins! 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