By the 1980s though Maori health was still well below that of Pakeha, and something more was needed. Ngati Porou and Maori migration overall in the 1960s was massive. This was provided to the Minister to assist him in considering the issue of extinction of customary rights in the Mhaka River. Google is your friend. In the 1920s Ta Apirana led the charge for the first Maori Pihopa (Bishop), singlehandedly persuading the Pakeha elite of New Zealand that we needed to have a Maori in the role. HAUITI,Ruakapanga Whare, Expressing and exploringcontemporary lifestyles of NgatiPorou today our people, our 8 22 . Many Ngati Porou followed in this tradition, living out their faith alongside their fellow Mihinare in a uniquely Ngati Porou way. The official website of the New Zealand Government, The Ng Rohe Moana o Ng Hap o Ngti Porou (Recognition of Customary Marine Title) Order 2020 can be found on the. Mori living in cities were then categorised as urban Mori, which does not sit comfortably with participants in this study, who reject this term. The first Pihopa o Aotearoa was Frederick Bennett of Te Arawa, and he was partly paid by the Ngati Porou Dairy Company as an expression of the commitment of the iwi. Others followed in his health footsteps. Ngti Porou is a Mori iwi traditionally located in the East Cape and Gisborne regions of the North Island of New Zealand. 6 February 1840 Ngati Pahauwera Crown Summary Report November 2014 [PDF, 1.5 MB], Ng Hap o Ngti Porou Deed of Agreement and Ngti Pahauwera Recognition Agreement, Te Khui Whakamana (Settlement Commitments), Te Khui Takutai Moana (Marine and Coastal Area), Reasonable costs guidance travel and hui, Reasonable costs guidance legal services, Reasonable costs guidance historical research, Rights in the reformed resource management system, Summary of the new resource management system, 2023 Iwi Response Funding for Adverse Weather Events fund, 2022 Matariki Ahunga Nui funding recipients, Whinga Amorangi: guidance for developing your plan, How to make an Official Information Act request, Ngati Porou Deed to Amend the Deed of Agreement 9 Aug 2017, Ngati Pahauwera Letter of Determination 23 August 2016, Ngati Pahauwera Report of Independent Assessor December 2015, Ngati Pahauwera Affidavit on behalf of Trustees, - Ngati Pahauwera Affidavit on behalf of Trustees Exhibits A to H, - Ngati Pahauwera Affidavit on behalf of Trustees Exhibits J to NN, Ngati Pahauwera Supplementary Affidavit on behalf of Trustees, - Ngati Pahauwera Supplementary Affidavit on behalf of Trustees Exhibits B to H, - Ngati Pahauwera Supplementary Affidavit on behalf of Trustees Exhibits I to L, Ngati Pahauwera Brief of Evidence in relation to rivers 12 October 2007, Ngati Pahauwera Crown Summary Report November 2014. The marine and coastal area (takutai moana) is the land from mean high water springs out to the territorial limit. Ngti Porou leader and politician Apirana Ngata is one of New Zealands best-known figures. ( ) (Hmall) ' ' 3.3 250 7 . [15] Ngti Porou then joined forces with Te Weras Ngpuhi and Te Kani-a-Takiraus Rongowhakaata to attack Te Whnau--Apanui at Te Kaha Points formidable Toka a Kuku p. A report provided to the Minister that summarises evidence collected by the Ministry of Justice relevant to whether the tests under the Act were met by the evidence. Copyright 2023 Quick-Advices | All rights reserved. However we still came under pressure, and ended up losing half our land by the end of the century. The Minister was satisfied the statutory tests for customary marine title was met in part of the application area. Ngati Porou Hauora and Horouta Whanau Ora for . Main Provisions In Ngati Porou hapu joined together in 1994 to establish the Ngati Porou Hauora to lead our health development. [14] A second 1832 raid, this time against Te Whnau--Apanui, did not meet with the same success, as the defenders of Wharekura p rebuffed the attackers and slew two Ngti Porou rangatira. Although there were many factors involved one feature was the influence of both the Pai Marire and Mihinare factions in the conflict. Understanding the Waiapu Freshwater Catchment Plan -Essentially the plan will cover how people interact with the awa, how they use it and protect it. The regional groupings were created for similar reasons - they are . TACSA members travelled from village to village encouraging better sanitation and the use of Western medical innovations. The hapu is the main unit in the Maori social structure. What is Ngati Porou known for? The trust administers Treaty of Waitangi settlements under the Ngati Porou Claims Settlement Act, represents the iwi under the Mori Fisheries Act, and is the official iwi authority for resource consent consultation under the Resource Management Act. The gods had aspects over various domains, for example Tangaroa was Atua for the sea, and so any activity connected with the sea was also connected to Tangaroa. [4][5], After World War II, large numbers of Ngti Porou began emigrating from traditional tribal lands and moving into larger urban areas, in a trend reflected throughout New Zealand. Part 2 of te Takutai Moana Act will continue to apply in the area affected. If you are of Mori descent, you will have a Marae. Share your news with the Iwi here. Im a Reedy too & my father is happy to send you the information. According to some accounts, Horouta was the first waka to make landfall in this region. Since its establishment Te Runanga o Ngati Porou has encouraged this tradition, with Nati Link first published in March 1998 on a black and white photocopied edition. Although a hapu or whanau might move from time to time, they would make sure they maintained their connection to the whenua. The Tohunga Suppression Act of 1907 attempted to crack down on traditional healers, an example of this practice. Te Kahui Mangai(TKM) is a directory of iwi (tribes) and Maori organisations for purposes of consultation and research. Edging onto Rangitukia beach, the ngutu awa (river mouth) has been a kapata kai for the people of Rangitukia and Tikapa since time immemorial, a live fish market providing fresh eel, kanae (mullet), tuarenga (whitebait) and of course Ngati Porou salmon - Kahawai. 2.3kg 1 1g, 2.3kg ~ 4.6kg 2 2g(, 1g), 4.6kg 2 3g( 2g, 1g) . Maori communities quickly grew in Australian cities, with Bondi in Sydney becoming famous as a Maori community. The agreement was given effect by Ng Rohe Moana o Ng Hap o Ngti Porou Act 2019. [13] In 1832 Ngti Porou joined forces with Ngpuhi, Rongowhakaata, and Te Aitanga-a-Mhaki to seize Kekeparaoa p and expel the four hundred Whakathea members who had come to occupy it after being unilaterally invited to do so by a Te Aitanga-a-Mhaki hap. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The customary marine title orders take effect today. Ngati Kaweriri (Census of the Native Residents in 1853; pp. Iwi (Mori pronunciation: [iwi]) are the largest social units in Aotearoa (New Zealand) Mori society. A guide to understand the process to ratify the amenements to the Nga Hapu o Ngati Porou Foreshore and Seabed Deed of Agreement 2008. This created early pressure for whanau to migrate, and by the 1930s whanau were leaving the Coast for towns. This was important in a time when our traditional health practices were under great strain and these actions helped the recovery of the Maori population. The following map identifies fourty eight Ngati Porou marae and the represent the respective Rohenga Tipuna they associate with. The maintenance of this dynamic is whanaungatanga, which then extends out to hapu and iwi. Concepts like tapu also helped limit the spread of disease and sickness amongst our people. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. How do you win an academic integrity case? Porourangi was married to Hamo-terangi who hailed from Tranga (Gisborne) and was part of the Ikaroa-a-Rauru migration that settled in the Kaiti area. Te Hahi Mihinare (the Maori Anglican Church) was intimately connected to the introduction of this new faith, and the first Minister was Rota Waitoa from Ngati Raukawa. I would like to thank ng hap o Ngti Porou for their commitment through this long journey since reaching agreement with the Crown to recognise their customary rights and interests in the marine and coastal area in 2008, Andrew Little said. For example horse races were often held at Tikitiki with small nuggety horses called Naati. Ngati Pahauwera Brief of Evidence in relation to rivers 12 October 2007 [PDF, 224 KB]. Although our health was improving by the 1930s we still struggled. Your whanau plan will help Hapu Leads to support you and your whanau through isolation. Documents relating to the process of determination can be accessed through the links provided below. In recognition of these and other services to the Maori people, Ngata was knighted in 1927. drunken, drunk, intoxicated, intoxication. Ngti Porou take their name from the ancestor Porourangi. MAHAKI, Porourangi Whare It's unique in that it gives Ngati Porou hap (subtribes) decision making and governance powers over their marine and coastal areas and sets a process where they can have their customary rights recognised. This, like other Ngti Rangiwewehi oral traditions, conveys the knowledge and wisdom of our tupuna across and throughout successive generations. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Customary marine title is not fee simple ownership, but an expression of customary rights and interests in part of the common marine and coastal area. As of 2022, the Rnanga is based in Gisborne, and is chaired by Selwyn Parata, with George Reedy as the chief executive. 1 February 2021 Long-held customary interests of Ngti Porou hap recognised Hon Andrew Little Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations The Crown has recognised 14 customary marine title areas along the East Cape and East Coast in ng rohe moana o ng hap o Ngti Porou, Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Andrew Little announced today. Although published by Te Hahi Mihinare the newspaper was a great source of knowledge and information for many iwi, particularly for Ngati Porou, with Mohi Turei for example contributing many articles on Ngati Porou history. Rongoa was used continuously and we retained a deep belief in the power of the wairua (spirit) to be an important part of health and healing. Ngati Porou have excelled at a range of sports over the years. Although we based our existence on our connection to the whenua, we would move across that whenua for different reasons. a recognised ancestor of any of nga hapu o Ngati Porou, including Hauiti, Hinekehu, Hinemaurea, Hinerupe, Hunaara, Irakaiputahi, Konohi, Mahaki-ewe-karoro, Materoa, Rakai-a-tane, Ruataupare, Ruawaipu, Taiau, Takimoana, Tawhipare, Te Aotaihi, Te Aotaki, Te Ataakura, Tuere, Tuwhakairiora, Uepohatu, and Umuariki (Part 1, Clause 11). Before any agreement is finalised the proposed recognition agreement must be ratified by Ngti Phauwera. Turei for example spent most of his life working through a theology that could reconcile the new and the old. Ta Tamati and Lady Tilly Reedy continue to guide the Maori tennis movement today. hapu smaller family grouping. By the 1950s our population was growing rapidly due to improving health but we had less land to support our population. Te Hahi Mihinare soon became a part of the Ngati Porou establishment. Ngati Porou Kura Making Face Shields and Hand Sanitisers for Health Workers, Whangaokena Island restoration and Tuatara translocation project. Te ihi, te wehi, te mana O aku tupuna Whakina mai kei Orangikhui These are the opening words of the Ngti Rangiwewehi anthem, 'E Kimi noa ana'. Ng Hap o Ngti Porou The Crown and Ngti Porou signed a deed of agreement under the Foreshore and Seabed Act (now repealed) in 2008. It has been described as one of the biggest population transitions in history, moving from around 20% of us living in the cities in 1945 through to 90% of us today. During the early 20th century, the population of Ngti Porou increased substantially. Always use macrons, missing macrons is a spelling mistake. Two exceptions are Ngati Porou dont use macrons and Waikato-Tainui use double vowels. In more recent times we have had Dr Paratene Ngata and Dr Lorraine Brooking as leading examples in the profession. As we had done in New Zealand, we helped establish ropu that would maintain our whanaungatanga, including sports clubs, kapa haka ropu and faith-based groups. A guide to understand the process to ratify the amenements to the Nga Hapu o Ngati Porou Foreshore and Seabed Deed of Agreement 2008. The customary marine title orders take effect today. New urban authorities sprang up to provide services and leadership to our people in the cities. [13] Minor raids by Ngti Awa and their allies Whakathea and Te Whnau--Apanui in 1829 and 1831 resulted in the deaths of some Ngti Porou, which triggered retaliatory action from the iwi. In 1935 the medical officer Harold Turbott conducted a survey of the Waiapu Valley. The imagery in this painting refers to the story of how she brought kmara (sweet potato) from Hawaiki to New Zealand in her sacred basket, and planted vines at Manawar and raiteuru on arrival. Following the passage of the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act in 2011, the original agreement was updated to reflect features of the new act, including the new legal test for customary marine title. The iwi's first experience of musket warfare came in 1819, when a raid by Ngpuhi rangatira Te Morenga led to the capture and killing of many members, including two rangatira. The legal tests, and the thresholds for evidence, are the same. For example, the requirement for the Crown to recommend the making of customary fishing regulations has been retained. culture, our identity, our marae. Report by Hon John Priestley CNZM QC who independently advised the Minister on the extent to which the tests in the Act were met. The list uses 'ng' and not 'k' and any use of the list should consider the dialectal variations of words. This is a list of some of them. Working through traditional tribal structures and as MP for Eastern Mori, he worked to strengthen Mori communities and revive Mori culture. Ngti Porou was the only iwi that reached an agreement with the Crown under the now-repealed Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004. Ngti Porou experienced substantial economic growth during the 1850s. In these traditions, Hikurangi is often personified. Look at Hapu Registrations 6. 93 and 94 Canterbury Place Names) (Southern end of Waihora (Tau, pp. Jobs People Learning . The Hauora provides a wide range of health services on the Coast, including running the Te Puia Hospital, and today Ngati Porou are responsible for meeting our own health needs in ways we find appropriate and effective. The migration of many of our people to other rohe since World War Two has meant we have had to find new ways to do this. Each hap was made up of different-ranking members, headed by chiefs called ariki and rangatira. Iwi registration documentation is the primary and preferred method of Mori ancestry verification and shall be deemed to confirm ancestry. Trish, alongside Amoe Tarsau (2nd five centre/ Team Manager) have recently established a NPEC Womens development squad, and have embarked on an ambitious plan to achieve their overall vision. ), Ngati Kura (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Kuware (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Mahaki (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Makaue (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Makihikihi (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Manaia (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Maru (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Mateka (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Moki (Census of the Native Residents in 1853) (Taumutu), Ngati Mokihi (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Moruka (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Mu (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Pakihau (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Puneke (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Putete (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Rakai (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Rakaihikuroa (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Rakaimamoe (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Rakewakaputa (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Raki (Census of the Native Residents in 1853; pp. The Minister's decision and basis for reaching it. The area is divided among the various extended families. The responsible Minister, on behalf of the Crown, has offered to enter into a recognition agreement with Ngti Phauwera recognising Customary Marine Title. Te Arawa - Te Arawa: a history of the Arawa people . Along with Hikurangi and Whangaokena, the Waiapu river is one of the symbols of Ngati Porou. Whats the latest news with you? It's taken 16 years of negotiations for the iwi to get the Ng Rohe Moana o Ng Hap bill over the line and after it was passed the sound of more than 100 Ngti Porou descendants in waiata resonated throughout the debating Chamber. We have had lots of prolific authors wanting to share their views in order to bring together the iwi. The Bill does not purport to affect the existing rights, avenues for claim, and rohe of hapu However, the right of public access in the common marine and coastal area does not give any new rights to the public to cross private land without permission in order to reach the marine and coastal area. 2.1 the areas defined by the term "nga rohe moana of nga hapu o Ngati Porou", and 2.2 within those areas, locations determined to be "Territorial Customary Rights" areas in accordance with Part 3 and the Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004 3. Whare karakia also became a feature of Ngati Porou with many built throughout the Coast. Ngti Phauwera have given permission for their affidavits to be published with some parts of the information withheld. What is the difference between a mihi and a pepeha? , , . Each sub-tribe (hapu) consisted of several extended families called whanau. Our Hapu - Wairoa. Ngati Porou today include many Roman Catholics, Pentecostals and a wide range of denominations. She is also known as Hamo, Hemo, and Hemoterangi. Every whanau and hapu has their own perspective of their own lives: the following is one telling of the story, Maintaining Hapu and Iwi Connections|Ngati Porou Health The arrival of Christianity in Ngati Porou in 1834 with Piripi Taumataakura meant a substantial realignment of our understandings of our spirituality. Brother and sister Sara and Peter McGlashan have both represented New Zealand at cricket. Wynton Rufer is undoubtedly the most successful Ngati Porou and New Zealand footballer of all time, winning six titles with Werder Bremen in Germany and he was named Oceania Footballer of the Century by the Oceania Football Confederation. Sport has played a hugely important role in the whanaungatanga of Ngati Porou. To the whenua built throughout the Coast Zealand at cricket this, like other ngti Rangiwewehi oral traditions, the... Marine and coastal area ( takutai Moana Act will continue to guide the Maori,... 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