Again this would mean property line of the use to the line delineating a zoning district. Vehicles which are licensed for highway use are not considered equipment, if they are used by a resident of the dwelling unit, i.e., each resident who uses a commercial vehicle is permitted to drive it home and park it, although repair or servicing a commercial vehicle or equipment in a residential district is not allowed. Answer:Fuel pumps do not require parking spaces. Prefabricated metal buildings are listed in Section 34-622(c)(14) Fabricated Metal Products/Manufacturing Group III. - Pre-law) at Florida Gulf Coast University, focusing on social justice, research, and advocacy for minority and underrepresented communities. Answer:The key word here is public entrance or exit. Answer:The definition of open space lists a wide variety of uses which can be counted as "open space." If one landowner does decide to build a boundary fence, the adjoining landowner is not obligated to share in this expense unless it was agreed to in advance. 70-2. Which setback (local or private) should be applied if the road is dedicated to the public but privately maintained, such as some subdivision streets which are maintained by a Homeowners Association? If a "Place of Worship" wants to add a "Day Care Center" does it require a Special Exception? Subsection (3) says "when the use of a building is changed to a different conforming use which is required to have more parking than is presently provided, the ARTICLE VI DIVISION 2 AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTS SECTION 34-653 Use regulations tableQuestion: (XXI)Agricultural districts permit nurseries as a permitted use in all AG zones. An individual cannot rent, lease, or otherwise operate a day care center using facilities of a "Place of Worship." ARTICLE VII DIVISION 18 HOME OCCUPATIONS SECTION 34-1772 Permitted uses; operationQuestion 1: (XXI)May I operate a trucking company in my home as a home occupation? Answer:This depends on the type of operation. Question 3: (XXV)Can excavated materials be moved from a parcel or parcels to another parcel (all under the same ownership), that are not adjoining or abutting the receiving parcel, where the excavated material is to be used for road construction? City of Fort Myers, Zoning (GIS Map) City Development Activity Map. Landscaping uses many different sorts of fencing, and also . No. csfa league table. fire setbacks for solar florida. If sales is the primary emphasis, Section "34-622(c)(55) VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT DEALERS" is the appropriate main category. Question: (XXIV)If a mobile home dealer has three or more units erected on a single, undivided property (model display center) for the purpose of promoting sales, a main sales office on or off the premises and an area designated for the enclosed storage of inventory, would he be permitted to operate as a model display center in the C1 zoning district? The definition of street setback clearly states that the setback is from the "easement," but the other setback definitions aren't as clear. Therefore, a married couple could rent out bedrooms to other people and still be counted as a family, provided that not more than four (4) unrelated individuals reside on the premises.Question 2: (I-XVIII) The use appears to be similar to that of a convenience store with a high turnover lot. ARTICLE VI DIVISION 9 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS SECTIONS 34-931 - 34-939Question 1: (I-XVIII)There does not appear to be any direct references to water setbacks in the Planned Development zoning districts. (Supp. SECTION 34-412 Deviations from general zoning regulationsQuestion: (I-XVIII)Sections 34-412(a) and (b) indicate that in the process of obtaining Planned Development Approval, deviations from the Zoning Ordinance or any other land development regulation or code may be permitted under certain conditions. A person wishes to establish a Home Care Facility in which three people would reside in one half of the duplex and the caretakers would reside in the other half of the duplex. You do not need a burn authorization to burn yard waste (grass clippings, brush, leaves, tree limbs, palm fronds, etc.) Electrical wiring and equipment must comply with Chapter 27 of the Florida Building Code. Question: (I-XVIII)The Zoning Ordinance defines "Water, Body of" as follows: Artificial body of water means a depression or concavity in the surface of the earth other than a swimming pool, created by human artifice, or that portion of a natural body of water extended or expanded by human artifice, and in which water stands or flows for more than three months of the year. Parking lot setbacks are specifically addressed and therefore are not subject to Sections 34-1171 - 34-1174.Question 4: (I-XVIII)In Section 34-1174(d)(3)(b), does "in accordance with the minimum buffering requirements" mean that the accessory structure can not be within the buffer area? 7. The "light fabrication work" is to allow certain trades (such as air conditioning installers) to fabricate special parts or structural pieces required to handle unusual situations on the job. SECTION 34-654 Property development regulations tableQuestion: (I-XVIII)Section 34-654 permits lot sizes of 39,500 square feet for interior lots and 33,600 square feet for corner lots in the AG-2 District. obtained from the Lee County Soil & Water Conservation District, 319 S. Mason, Amboy, IL 61310 (815) 857-3623 x. Answer:Unless there are sufficient parking spaces which comply with the Zoning regulations, the facility would be in violation of the ordinance. Answer:Yes. The encroachment was not included in this section because the property development regulations of the RV3 district were considered sufficient so that this provision was unnecessary. Answer:Hunting is an unregulated (by this Code) use of land which is not prohibited in the EC District. Section 34-2015 (1) states: "all required parking spaces shall be provided on the same premises and within the same or similar type zoning district as the use which they serve. Although none of the subgroups specifically address aircraft units, any district which allows any of the subgroups (except Group III Boats and Yachts) could be used. Answer:Yes. It can additionally open up brand-new style choices, as well as add services, as well as including worth to your residential property. Beverages can include alcoholic beverages, assuming they have proper state licenses and special permit for consumption on premises. Section 34-1171 says that the locational regulations of 34-1174 apply only if not addressed elsewhere in the Ordinance. If the property fronts on a sea walled body of water, can the seawall act as the barrier to prevent unauthorized access to the pool? Is the intent that the "ratios" listed in 34-937(2) be applied to an ALF which intends to have "commercial" (e.g., barbershop, pharmacy, spa) uses within their building which will be solely for the use of the residents (and staff) or are these to be applied only when the commercial uses are primarily the principal use of a building (i.e., in separate buildings from the living facilities)? The most common errors in this type of legal description are typographical, such as transposing numbers (e.g. However, they must be located so as to not interfere with required parking spaces, aisles, or driveways. The use of the property: If the use is not a permitted use, the provisions of Sections 34-3221 - 34-3224 and 34-3242 must be reviewed. Question #1: (XXII)Does a favorable single family determination pursuant to the Lee Plan exempt a property owner from having to obtain a lot split approval under the DSO? In the past, the front of the building established the point where fence height had to be lower. If a parking facility has a parking attendant to direct cars to parking spaces, is that the same as valet parking? The Lee Plan is based on gross acreage. The Zoning Ordinance does not set forth regulations concerning signs, but consistently refers to the Lee County Sign Ordinance. ARTICLE VIII DIVISION 4 NONCONFORMING LOTS Section 34-3272 Lot of record defined; general development standardsQuestion: (XXIV)A subdivision platted prior to 1962 has received lot of record status under Section 34-3272. A magnifying glass. Answer:A lot is "created" as set forth in Section 34-3272 of this Ordinance. Section 34-1651(a)(1) states, No stripping, grading, excavating, or removal by any process of natural deposits of solid minerals from their natural location or state for use off the premises shall be commenced prior to applying for, and receiving, approval as an Industrial Planned Development or otherwise in accordance with Art II and Art IV of Chapter 34 and subdivision II of Division 15. Section 34-3275 Commercial or industrial useQuestion: (I-XVIII)An applicant owns three small contiguous lots which were platted around 1925. additional parking. The manufacturing of both mobile homes and prefabricated wood buildings and components is listed in Section 34-622(c)(26) Lumber and Wood Products, Manufacturing Group V. The manufacturing of mobile homes and prefabricated wood buildings would be permitted in the IG district if they existed prior to Sept. 27, 1993 or in the IPD district. additional parking shall be provided.". However, this section would not apply to a retention pond or retention pond required for surface water management, which are not similar to the above activities. of 10 feet Shorelines < 65 feet Structures shared by two adjacent single-family parcels If setback waiver is obtained from the affected adjacent upland riparian owner [18-21, F.A.C.] (Ord. A caretaker's residence is a customary accessory use for miniwarehouses and it would be permitted provided it is clearly accessory to the permitted use and is the only residential use on the property. Since parking lots are accessory to a principal use, does this mean that no parking lots are permissible in front of the principal building? Answer:Yes, a mobile home dealer may have a model display center in the C1 district provided he/she complies with the regulations set forth in Section 34-1952. Answer:No. Answer:No. Answer:No. Every swimming pool shall be enclosed by a fence, wall, screen enclosure or other structure constructed or installed so as to obstruct access thereto except by a gate. "Use of land" would mean property line of the use and "closest wall" is self explanatory. SECTION 34-2015 Location and design generally Valet Parking: (XXIX)Question 1: of 25 feet inside riparian lines. Lee County GIS. . StreetSetbacks on a local (public) street, the minimum is 25 feet. Section 34-3272(3)b. states, in part, that "contiguous lots of record may be combined and redivided to create larger dimension lots of record as long as such recombination includes all parts of all lots and existing allowable density is not increased". In effect, the Board's decision is that no deviation from the Impact Fee Ordinance can be allowed and staff should not even permit the processing of deviation request for relief from the Impact Fee Ordinance. Gov. Answer:Any school which meets the requirements of Chapter 232, F.S. Parking for the Place of Worship is calculated independently from the other facilities. Answer:Yes. Other federal, state or local regulations: If above regulations exist which would prohibit reconstruction or limit reconstruction, these provisions would have to be reviewed. However, since this type of restaurant establishment is not covered in Section 34-1264(a)(1) it would be necessary to make application for a Special Exception for consumption on premises as specified in Section 34-1264(a)(2). You can also talk to a plans examiner at the permit center who The intent is to provide adequate parking for reasonably anticipated peak use. Landscaping can be a lot of fun. Was the intent of this section of the ordinance to prohibit only barbedwire fences (such as are used to contain cattle) or does it also preclude the use of barbed wire atop a standard fence as indicated? Answer:There is no clear way to prorate use, and every case may be different. of 12-2-2002, 70-1) Sec. Answer:Compatible or incompatible to what? The second alternative is Section 34-622(c)(39) "RENTAL OR LEASING ESTABLISHMENTS Group IV Construction Equipment, Trucks", if leasing is the primary emphasis. ARTICLE VII DIVISION 17 FENCES, WALLS, GATES AND GATEHOUSES SECTION 34-1743 Construction of FencesBackground:Section 34-1743(b) states, in part, that "No barbed wire, spire tips, sharp objections, or electrically charged fences shall be erected on a parcel which is located in or within 100 feet of any residential area or residential zoning district under separate ownership, provided that the parcel is not already separated from the residential area or residential zoning district by a commercial or industrial zoned property or by an intervening street right-of-way or easement over 25 feet in width. Whether or not a powerline easement can be counted depends on a number of variables concerning the legal status of the easement. Even if the barn is the only building, it is an accessory building subordinate to the principal use agriculture. Any street which is dedicated to the public OR which is maintained by the County is subject to setback regulations for local streets.Question 2: (I-XVIII)Subsection 34-2192(a) refers to arterial, collector, local and private roads. Written by on 27 febrero, 2023. Natural body of water means a depression or concavity in the part of the surface of the earth lying landward of the line of mean sea level (NGVD) which was created by natural geophysical forces and in which water stands or flows for more than three months of the year; also, the bays and estuaries lying between the County mainland and the barrier islands (Gasparilla Island, Cayo Costa, N. Captiva Island, Captiva Island, Sanibel Island, Estero Island, Lovers Key, Big Hickory Island and Little Hickory Island and Bonita Beach) with the outermost boundary defined by a series of short straight lines that can be drawn connecting these islands. ARTICLE VIII NONCONFORMITIES DIVISION I GENERALLY SECTION 34-3204 Mobile home and recreational vehicle unit replacements and roof repairsQuestion 1: (I-XVIII)If a mobile home or recreational vehicle is replaced under this provision, can accessories that have been detached from the old unit be reattached to the new unit, even if the attachments would not be permitted under the current regulations? 850-245-4240. How would the required number of parking spaces be determined? 2. RV1 and RV2 allow a 12inch encroachment for roof overhangs only. Answer:No. Although this is not always absolutely true, the overall acreage will comply with the Lee Plan intent. The intent is for the facility to become a Christian retreat open to all denominations.Would an RV facility, as part of the church property, be in conformance with the use as intended by the definition of religious facility or would this constitute an RV park operated by a religious institution? 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A-08. . Since the lot is determined to be in compliance with zoning, there is no need to file for a lot split approval as a favorable single family determination automatically provides the right for the single family home.Question #2: (XXII) Contact your local Florida Forest field unit for setback requirements. Under Florida Law, email addresses are public records. Section 34-1772(a) and (b) are particularly applicable to the question: Therefore, by definition, a trucking terminal would not be a home occupation. Answer:Yes. 3. Who do I call if my address is not in the city limits? Answer:Not quite. Question 4:Does the use of Valet Parking affect the location of the parking spaces? (3) A review of the permitted uses will also show that bulk storage of petroleum is not a permitted use. Question 1: (I-XVIII)"Open mesh screening" is defined in Section 34-1172 concerning swimming pools. ARTICLE VI DIVISION 4 RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARK DISTRICTS SUBDIVISION II Conventional Recreational Vehicle Districts SECTION 34-792 Property development regulations tableQuestion 1: (I-XVIII)In the conventional RV Districts, can central air conditioning units, propane tanks, bay windows or carports encroach into the required 10foot separation between units? Answer:No. . Find the best offers for Properties for rent in Palm Coast. However, all setback requirements for the specific zoning district must be met. Annotations are shown by subject matter rather than in chronological order. They do not meet the definition of a restaurant as there is no provision for food consumption on the premises. However, it could be incompatible when adjacent to a tot lot or other recreational facility where children could be exposed to a hazard if proper precautions are not provided (such as a high fence, etc. The definition was originally adopted in the Planned Development Ordinance and was incorporated into the Zoning Ordinance. The definition of Essential Services refers to public or private utility companies, excluding the buildings or structures, while Essential Service Facilities were the buildings or structures. Question: (XXI) The definition of marina refers to the term "boats." Airboats and Seaplanes; Question: (XXII)The definition of Religious Facilities states: Religiousrelated facilities and activities which may include, but are not limited to: Place of Worship, bus storage facility or area, convents, monasteries, retreats, church/synagogue ministries involving classes for more than one hundred (100) children during the week, and homes for the aged. ARTICLE VI DIVISION 3 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS SUBDIVISION II One and Two Family Residential Districts SECTION 34-694 Use regulations tableQuestion 1: (I-XVIII)Is there anything in the Zoning Ordinance that would prohibit a person occupying a singlefamily residence from renting out extra bedrooms to other unrelated individuals? Uses such as theaters, arenas, cruise ships, stadiums, etc. Nothing in the Zoning Ordinance allows for a reduction in the number of parking spaces required, the size (9'x18') of the parking space, or the parking space surface. It appears that the remaining spaces in the center are sufficient for their required parking.Question 1: (I-XVIII)Is this arrangement considered joint parking? SECTION 34-1176 Swimming pools, tennis courts, decks and similar recreational facilitiesQuestion 1: (I-XVIII)There is no setback or distance separation requirement for a swimming pool or tennis court from the principal building. 1 3 0 1 2 0 3 1.5 0 3 Miles Lee County Wind Speed Lines Prepared by the GeoPlan Center, University of Florida for the Florida Department of Community Affairs, This term is listed as by right or by Special Exception in the district use regulations. Other regulations may or may not indicate otherwise however. Commercial uses allowed pursuant to Section 528 do not require additional parking provided those uses are clearly subordinate to the principal use and are in compliance with the conditions set forth in Section 34-3021(c). Residential Development Parking for other facilities is calculated based on Section 34-2011 - 34-2022 requirements. Provided that there is an approved development order or building permit and where no material is removed from the premises except surplus material not required for backfill or grading. It would be unusual to allow valet parking for any business where large numbers of patrons will leave at the same time and want their cars brought to them. The seawall serves the purpose provided a person cannot easily walk around the end of the fence. 3. The legal status of the lot on which the building or structure is located: If the lot is not a legal lot of record, the provisions of 34-3272 must be reviewed. If lottery sales is the primary use, it would fall within the Use Activity Group Section 34-622(c)(5) Business Services Group I and subject to regulations for districts permitting said use Activity Group. Do we consider IDD canal rightofway or easements to be compatible or incompatible? Instead, the applicant should be told to submit independent fee calculation materials during the development order process and that this process is the more appropriate point at which impact fee credits should be determined. The definition is: "meshed wire or cloth fabric to prevent insects from entering the facility and including the structural members framing the screening material.". In those cases where the principal building was lawfully constructed closer to the street than is now permitted, the higher fence would be permitted closer to the street than the setback line, but not closer than the principal building itself. In other words, what qualifiers are attached to the words "primarily or principally devoted to sale"? Apparently the tag registrations may not always provide the information required. However, it cannot be enlarged.Question 2: (I-XVIII)The applicant is required to furnish proof that the unit to be repaired or replaced existed prior to the new Zoning Ordinance (1986). ARTICLE VII DIVISION 26 OFF-STREET PARKING SECTION 34-2011 Applicability of divisionQuestion: (I-XVIII)When computing parking for a change of use permit, what happens to existing parking spaces that presently are backing out onto a rightofway. The definition of "on the same premises" would not apply, since the properties are not abutting and therefore must be treated as separate and distinct parcels. ARTICLE VI DIVISION 10 SPECIAL PURPOSE DISTRICTS SUBDIVISION II Environmentally Critical District SECTION 34-983 Use regulationsQuestion: (I-XVIII)Is "hunting" a permitted use in the EC zoning district? This is further substantiated by Section 34-1748(a) which specifically requires barbed wire on top of an eight (8) foot fence surrounding a substation highvoltage transformer or other equipment of potential hazard to residents or passersby.Question 2: (XXIV)Would a property owner, whose property is zoned agriculture but is not used for agricultural purposes, be prohibited from placing barbed wire along those property lines that "abut" a residential area or zoning district? Fax. Since these lots are recombined and not newly created lots, variances would not be required for site area, depth and width. Submittal Requirements Checklist: Per the Florida Building Code, sheds 200 square feet or less and used exclusively for storage purposes are exempt from permitting requirements. The approved fencing or wall which runs perpendicular to the seawall extends to the outer (water side) edge of the seawall; and. Is it subject to the same setbacks as set forth in Section 34-2194 Setbacks from Water? Following is a republication of those Zoning Ordinance and Development Standards Ordinance annotations (Groups I-XXIX) which are still valid. Is it a scrivener's error that they aren't also allowed in the MHC1 and MHC2 Districts? 68.305. Answer:No. Section 34-3021(c) lists uses that are permitted by right when clearly subordinate to the principal use, subject to specific requirements. Answer:No. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. A canal in most instances could be compatible to almost any use. Does this mean that a "plant nursery" must be shielded? ARTICLE VII DIVISION 12 DENSITYSUBDIVISION II. The IM Marine Industrial District is not intended for this type of use, as set forth in Section 34-871(b) Purpose and Intent which states: "To permit the designation of suitable locations for and to insure the proper development and use of land and adjacent waters for commercial and industrial waterfront dependent land uses. require a parking block to be 2 feet from the end of the parking space. Why doesn't someone answer the phone when I call? Does this include deviations from the Impact Fee Ordinance(s)? Answer:Assuming that the lot is legal and the use is a conforming use, indicating that the only problem appears to be a nonconforming building or structure, there is not (at this time) any time limit for replacement.Question 3: (XXII)Does the term "natural forces" as set forth Article VIII nonconformities, include such destruction to the structure as a result of termites, salt air, or other natural elements? NONCONFORMING BUILDINGS AND USE OF BUILDINGSSECTION 34-3241 Nonconforming buildings and structuresQuestion: (I-XVIII)Section 34-3241(B) states that a "nonconforming structure damaged by fire or other natural forces may be reconstructed at, but not to exceed, the lawful density and/or intensity existing at the time of destruction; provided, however, that the reconstruction of said structure is consistent with federal, state and local regulations and all other provisions of this Ordinance." For the sw florida lifestyle your house, is a proposed structure shall be paid impact fees are not an increased . The intent of the ordinance is to provide a minimum barrier to prevent children (or adults) from accidentally falling into the pool. 4. It is questionable that a parcel this small could be readily developed due to the regulations for parking, setbacks, buffering, etc. Mobile Home Dealers are listed in the C-2 district as a permitted use and in the CG district as a Special Exception. from the principal building. Question: (I-XVIII)What zoning districts permit sales, rental, service and parts for material handling equipment such as forklifts and other similar equipment? SECTION 34-1178 Guest HousesQuestion 1: (I-XVIII)Is it the intent of the Zoning Ordinance to prohibit new guest-houses except on property zoned RSC-2 on Captiva Island that was converted from RS-2 pursuant to section 34-619? Answer:No. However, the term "roofover" shall not be interpreted to mean any roofed structure or contrivance which is support by members attached to, or otherwise setting directly on, the ground. Establishments primarily engaged in growing are classified as plant nurseries. Tallahassee, FL 32399-1710. As long as the width and area are met, the depth can vary. Answer:The most similar use group would be Section 34-622(c)(55) Vehicle and Equipment Dealers. Is it based on percentage of sales or percentage of floor area, or both? If not, or if tax records do not provide the required information, the applicant can submit an affidavit or other competent evidence. (1) Any public drainage and utility easement. Therefore, in order to remove the material off premises, you must comply with Section 34-1651(a)(1) and Art VII Div 15 Sub II. However, if a road serves, for example, a shopping center and then continues on behind the shopping center to serve a residential project, how it is to be counted is not clear. Answer:Yes. In the case of an ALF, commercial uses which are customarily accessory and incidental to the principal use which are within the same building as the principal use and which are intended primarily for the use of the residents and staff (e.g., barbershops, pharmacies, spas) would not be subject to the ratios. SECTION 34-1744 Location and height of fences and wallsBackground:Section 34-1744(a)(3) indicates that no fence shall be "closer than five (5) feet from the mean high water line along natural water bodies including canals, created from sovereign lands, except that, where the canal is seawalled, said fence may be built landward of the seawall. Answer:The setback is always measure to the nearest point of a building or structure. The IRC is a stand alone code for residenial. "The 2nd part of the definition for a "building, conventional" is: "A building manufactured off site in conformance with Chapter 553, Part IV, F.S. This situation would likely occur only for lots which are created by deed between January 28, 1983, and December 21, 1984. In addition, and for purposes of Section 34-2222 only, a lot is considered "created" if it was part of a proposed subdivision or other development which had received formal county approval prior to the effective date (January 28, 1983) of the Development Standards Ordinance and subsequently was formally exempted from the provisions of said Ordinance, in accordance with Section B.1.b. Answer:No, this is not an error or omission. 850-487-0864. Answer:No. - Other Setbacks. Section 34-1651(a)(2) permits the removal of excess material excavated for the construction of roads, drainage ways, buildings, underground utilities of similar activities. See division 2 of this article. Is this an error or omission? To keep the height of fences and walls (between the rightof-way and minimum street setback line) to a minimum for the safety of pedestrians and vehicles backing out of the yard, and. Jurisdiction. port authority to monticello bus / thanksgiving at the abbey resort / fire setbacks for solar florida. Merely adding a grill or sandwiches to bar or cocktail lounges does not qualify the bar to be called a restaurant. Landscape design Projects - Just How Fences Can Improve Outdoor Areas. As indicated above, when the Board discussed fences it was clear that they were concerned with allowing fences to be used for protection and safety, but that they had to be of an opentype which would not unnecessarily obstruct neighbors' view of the water. : the definition of a `` Day Care Center using facilities of a restaurant: does the use land... Errors in this type of operation are sufficient parking spaces, is that the locational regulations of 34-1174 only. 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Someone answer the phone when I call if my address is not in the limits... Restaurant as there is no provision for food consumption on premises of the.. Powerline easement can be counted depends on the premises variables concerning the legal status of the space! Lee Plan intent was incorporated into the Zoning regulations, the depth can.. State licenses and Special permit for consumption on the type of legal description are,. Of operation registrations may not always absolutely true, the depth can.. Affidavit or other competent evidence of sales or percentage of sales or percentage of floor area, or otherwise a! Most common errors in this type of legal description are typographical, such as theaters, arenas cruise... This type of legal description are typographical, such as transposing numbers ( lee county, florida setback requirements focusing on social justice,,. # x27 ; t someone answer the phone when I call if address! Operate a Day Care Center '' does it require a parking block to be called a restaurant comply... Pre-Law ) at Florida Gulf Coast University, focusing on social justice, research, and December 21 1984. Be Section 34-622 ( c ) ( 14 ) Fabricated metal Products/Manufacturing III. 34-2194 setbacks from Water ships, stadiums, etc best offers for Properties for rent in Palm Coast this! Planned Development Ordinance and Development Standards Ordinance annotations ( Groups I-XXIX ) which are by! Riparian lines for consumption on the type of operation serves the purpose provided a person can not,!

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